[ABSTRAK Saat ini industri keuangan mikro sebagai alat bagi keuangan inklusifberkembang dengan dua pendekatan yang berbeda yaitu Financial LendingApproach dan Poverty Lending Approach. Perbedaan paling kontras dari keduanyaadalah sasaran penerima kreditnya. Poverty Lending Approach mengkhususkandirinya untuk menyalurkan kredit kepada orang miskin seperti Lembaga KeuanganMikro yang mereplika pola Grameen Bank. Sedangkan Financial LendingApproach memberi akses untuk masyarakat miskin, namun tidak menargetkannyasecara khusus, pendekatan ini lebih menjaga kesinambungan keuangannyasehingga sasaran mereka bukan orang miskin seperti yang dilakukan perbankan.Tesis ini meneliti Poverty Lending Approach yang dilakukan oleh salah satuLembaga Keuangan Mikro di Indonesia yaitu PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura(MBK). Studi Kasus dilakukan di Kabupaten Tangerang, tepatnya KecamatanPakuhaji, Sukadiri dan Sepatan. Tujuannya adalah ingin menganalisis apakahpenyaluran kredit mikro dengan pola Grameen Bank yang dilakukan oleh PT. MitraBisnis Keluarga Ventura (MBK) berdampak terhadap pendapatan usahanasabahnya. Pendapatan usaha merupakan salah satu langkah untuk meningkatkanpendapatan rumah tangga. Dengan menggunakan metode instrumental variable danmelakukan wawancara mendalam dengan para nasabah. Hasil studi menunjukkanbahwa pemberian kredit yang diberikan oleh PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura(MBK) dengan pola grameen bank berdampak signifikan terhadap peningkatanpendapatan usaha nasabahnya. ABSTRACT Microfinance, which nowadays has become a tool for development of financialinclusion, has two different approaches. These two approaches are FinancialSystem Lending and the Poverty Lending Approach. The most pronounceddifferences between these approaches are their credit?s beneficiaries. The PovertyLending Approach has the speciality to extend its credit the poor. This approachwas replicated from the model of the Microfinance Institution Grameen Bank. TheFinancial Lending Approach, in turn, is special for maintaining financialsustainability. This approach also provides access for the poor, but it is aimed notonly for the poor in poor areas but also in other areas. It does not havemicrofinance institution?s branches like Poverty Lending Approach?s model. Thisresearch examines the Poverty Lending Approach?s model carried out by PT. MitraBisnis Keluarga Ventura, a large Microfinance Institution in Indonesia. Theresearch?s case study was conducted in Tangerang District in the SubdistrictsPakuhaji, Sukadiri and Sepatan. The aim of this research is to analyze whether themicrocredit extended by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga (MBK), which replicates theGrameen Bank model, has a significant impact on the income of its clients. Clients?business income is a measurements of household income. Using a survey methodwith in-depth client interviews, the data analysis employs an instrumental variablesmethod. The results show that credits granted by PT. Ventura Family BusinessPartners (MBK), operating under the Grameen Banks model, have a significantpositive impact on the income of its clients.;Microfinance, which nowadays has become a tool for development of financialinclusion, has two different approaches. These two approaches are FinancialSystem Lending and the Poverty Lending Approach. The most pronounceddifferences between these approaches are their credit?s beneficiaries. The PovertyLending Approach has the speciality to extend its credit the poor. This approachwas replicated from the model of the Microfinance Institution Grameen Bank. TheFinancial Lending Approach, in turn, is special for maintaining financialsustainability. This approach also provides access for the poor, but it is aimed notonly for the poor in poor areas but also in other areas. It does not havemicrofinance institution?s branches like Poverty Lending Approach?s model. Thisresearch examines the Poverty Lending Approach?s model carried out by PT. MitraBisnis Keluarga Ventura, a large Microfinance Institution in Indonesia. Theresearch?s case study was conducted in Tangerang District in the SubdistrictsPakuhaji, Sukadiri and Sepatan. The aim of this research is to analyze whether themicrocredit extended by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga (MBK), which replicates theGrameen Bank model, has a significant impact on the income of its clients. Clients?business income is a measurements of household income. Using a survey methodwith in-depth client interviews, the data analysis employs an instrumental variablesmethod. The results show that credits granted by PT. Ventura Family BusinessPartners (MBK), operating under the Grameen Banks model, have a significantpositive impact on the income of its clients.;Microfinance, which nowadays has become a tool for development of financialinclusion, has two different approaches. These two approaches are FinancialSystem Lending and the Poverty Lending Approach. The most pronounceddifferences between these approaches are their credit?s beneficiaries. The PovertyLending Approach has the speciality to extend its credit the poor. This approachwas replicated from the model of the Microfinance Institution Grameen Bank. TheFinancial Lending Approach, in turn, is special for maintaining financialsustainability. This approach also provides access for the poor, but it is aimed notonly for the poor in poor areas but also in other areas. It does not havemicrofinance institution?s branches like Poverty Lending Approach?s model. Thisresearch examines the Poverty Lending Approach?s model carried out by PT. MitraBisnis Keluarga Ventura, a large Microfinance Institution in Indonesia. Theresearch?s case study was conducted in Tangerang District in the SubdistrictsPakuhaji, Sukadiri and Sepatan. The aim of this research is to analyze whether themicrocredit extended by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga (MBK), which replicates theGrameen Bank model, has a significant impact on the income of its clients. Clients?business income is a measurements of household income. Using a survey methodwith in-depth client interviews, the data analysis employs an instrumental variablesmethod. The results show that credits granted by PT. Ventura Family BusinessPartners (MBK), operating under the Grameen Banks model, have a significantpositive impact on the income of its clients., Microfinance, which nowadays has become a tool for development of financialinclusion, has two different approaches. These two approaches are FinancialSystem Lending and the Poverty Lending Approach. The most pronounceddifferences between these approaches are their credit’s beneficiaries. The PovertyLending Approach has the speciality to extend its credit the poor. This approachwas replicated from the model of the Microfinance Institution Grameen Bank. TheFinancial Lending Approach, in turn, is special for maintaining financialsustainability. This approach also provides access for the poor, but it is aimed notonly for the poor in poor areas but also in other areas. It does not havemicrofinance institution’s branches like Poverty Lending Approach’s model. Thisresearch examines the Poverty Lending Approach’s model carried out by PT. MitraBisnis Keluarga Ventura, a large Microfinance Institution in Indonesia. Theresearch’s case study was conducted in Tangerang District in the SubdistrictsPakuhaji, Sukadiri and Sepatan. The aim of this research is to analyze whether themicrocredit extended by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga (MBK), which replicates theGrameen Bank model, has a significant impact on the income of its clients. Clients’business income is a measurements of household income. Using a survey methodwith in-depth client interviews, the data analysis employs an instrumental variablesmethod. The results show that credits granted by PT. Ventura Family BusinessPartners (MBK), operating under the Grameen Banks model, have a significantpositive impact on the income of its clients.] |