[ABSTRAK Kajian ini membahas tentang pemicu dan pembentuk budaya yang mendorongkinerja untuk meningkatkan efektivitas manajemen kinerja di pemerintahandaerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan soft systems methodology (Checkland &Scholes, 1990) dengan dual imperative of action research (McKay & Marshall,2001) melalui 4 (empat) tahapan SSM (Checkland & Poulter, 2006). Kajian inimemetakan permasalahan faktual di Pemerintahan Provinsi Jawa Timur yangmenunjukkan tidak efektifnya tahapan pembelajaran dikarenakan kurangnyabudaya yang mendorong kinerja. Kajian ini merekonstruksi konsep Marr (2009)tentang pemicu dan pembentuk budaya yang mendorong kinerja. Hasilrekonstruksi menunjukkan ada 5 (lima) pemicu budaya yang mendorong kinerja,yaitu adanya rasa kesatuan sebagai komunitas, tanggung jawab dan akuntabilitas,integritas dalam kejujuran dan keterbukaan, kesamaan visi dan persepsi tentangbudaya kinerja, dan kepemimpinan yang memberdayakan dalam kemitraan. Hasilrekonstruksi juga menghasilkan adanya 5 (lima) pembentuk budaya yangmendorong kinerja, yaitu kepemimpinan yang mendorong kinerja, pengakuan danpenghargaan kinerja, pelaporan kinerja yang efisien, reviu kinerja secarainteraktif, dan peta kinerja. Selain itu, bersama-sama dengan para aktor diPemerintahan Provinsi Jawa Timur, kajian ini melakukan pemecahan masalah(problem solving) terkait pengelolaan unsur-unsur pembentuk budaya yangmendorong kinerja dan menghasilkan rekomendasi yang disepakati berupaketerlibatan gubernur dalam Musrenbang, dimulainya program apresiasi kinerja,penyederhanaan proses penyusunan laporan kinerja, reviu periodik secaradialogis, pembangunan Pusat Data Kinerja dan penyusunan indikator kinerja yangterintegrasi; ABSTRACT The implementation of performance management has its own drawbacks. When aparticular performance management technology is applied in an organization, it does notalways come to fruition. Sometimes it ends as a formality, sometimes it stops atmeasurement phase and never reaches the management phase. This assertion is supportedby a number of factual problems found in the local government of East Java province,and a number of conceptual problems from the pervious theories. To solve theseproblems, we need to employ a set of enablers and building blocks of Performance-Driven Culture; which are expected to bring improved effectivity in the application ofPerformance Management. Mar (2009) states that, to achieve the desired Performece-Driven Culture, a set of factors that consist of five enablers and five building blocks arerequired. This study has successfully reconstructed those factors. This study finds that inIndonesian government, especially in East Java province, there are 5 (five) buildingblocks of performance-driven culture, namely: (1) leadership that encouragesperformance, (2) acknowledgement and appreciation of performance, (3) efficientperformance reporting, (4) interactive performance review, and (5) performance map.Furthermore, together with the actors in the Government of East Java Province, this studyalso performed problem solving upon the problem related to the management of elementsthat construct Performance-Driven Culture. The result of this problem solving processleads to a number of agreed recommendations, namely the involvement of the governor inMusrenbang, the initiation of performance appreciation program, the simplification ofperformance report framing, dialogic periodical review, establishing Performance DataCenter, and the framing of integrated performance indicator;The implementation of performance management has its own drawbacks. When aparticular performance management technology is applied in an organization, it does notalways come to fruition. Sometimes it ends as a formality, sometimes it stops atmeasurement phase and never reaches the management phase. This assertion is supportedby a number of factual problems found in the local government of East Java province,and a number of conceptual problems from the pervious theories. To solve theseproblems, we need to employ a set of enablers and building blocks of Performance-Driven Culture; which are expected to bring improved effectivity in the application ofPerformance Management. Mar (2009) states that, to achieve the desired Performece-Driven Culture, a set of factors that consist of five enablers and five building blocks arerequired. This study has successfully reconstructed those factors. This study finds that inIndonesian government, especially in East Java province, there are 5 (five) buildingblocks of performance-driven culture, namely: (1) leadership that encouragesperformance, (2) acknowledgement and appreciation of performance, (3) efficientperformance reporting, (4) interactive performance review, and (5) performance map.Furthermore, together with the actors in the Government of East Java Province, this studyalso performed problem solving upon the problem related to the management of elementsthat construct Performance-Driven Culture. The result of this problem solving processleads to a number of agreed recommendations, namely the involvement of the governor inMusrenbang, the initiation of performance appreciation program, the simplification ofperformance report framing, dialogic periodical review, establishing Performance DataCenter, and the framing of integrated performance indicator, The implementation of performance management has its own drawbacks. When aparticular performance management technology is applied in an organization, it does notalways come to fruition. Sometimes it ends as a formality, sometimes it stops atmeasurement phase and never reaches the management phase. This assertion is supportedby a number of factual problems found in the local government of East Java province,and a number of conceptual problems from the pervious theories. To solve theseproblems, we need to employ a set of enablers and building blocks of Performance-Driven Culture; which are expected to bring improved effectivity in the application ofPerformance Management. Mar (2009) states that, to achieve the desired Performece-Driven Culture, a set of factors that consist of five enablers and five building blocks arerequired. This study has successfully reconstructed those factors. This study finds that inIndonesian government, especially in East Java province, there are 5 (five) buildingblocks of performance-driven culture, namely: (1) leadership that encouragesperformance, (2) acknowledgement and appreciation of performance, (3) efficientperformance reporting, (4) interactive performance review, and (5) performance map.Furthermore, together with the actors in the Government of East Java Province, this studyalso performed problem solving upon the problem related to the management of elementsthat construct Performance-Driven Culture. The result of this problem solving processleads to a number of agreed recommendations, namely the involvement of the governor inMusrenbang, the initiation of performance appreciation program, the simplification ofperformance report framing, dialogic periodical review, establishing Performance DataCenter, and the framing of integrated performance indicator] |