[ABSTRAK Dalam perjuangannya di Kabupaten Garut, posisi ulama mempunyai peranyang signifikan. Hampir setiap masa atau periode sejarah, ulama di Garutberkiprah dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, terutama bidang agama. Pada masaorde baru, ulama di Garut diposisikan oleh pemerintah untuk senantiasa beradadalam jalur yang sebenarnya, yaitu aspek keagamaan. Tetapi seiring denganperubahan masa, ulama di Garut berusaha kembali menunjukkan jati dirinyadalam posisi yang tidak hanya terbatas pada aspek agama, tetapi juga pada aspekpolitik. Oleh karena itu telah terjadi pergeseran gerakan ulama di Garut padakurun waktu 1998-2007.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa ulama di Garut padaperiode 1998-2007 tidak hanya berkemampuan dalam bidang keagamaan semata,tetapi ulama mempunyai kemampuan dalam bidang politik. Adapun metode yangdigunakan adalah metode sejarah, yang meliputi 4 tahapan, yaitu heuristik, kritik,interpretasi, dan historiograpi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada periode sebelumnya (Orba)ulama kecenderungannya hanya bergerak dalam koridor keagamaan. Pada kurunwaktu 1998-2007 gerakan ulama merambah pada aspek lain, diantaranya politik.Gerakan politik ulama pada kurun waktu ini diantaranya berusaha untukmenyatukan kembali keberadaannya yang dipahami telah mengalamikerenggangan akibat pertarungan politik nasional. BKUI menjadi media untukmenyatukan kembali posisi ulama. Kemudian, gerakan politik ulama di Garutberusaha untuk menjadikan syari?at Islam sebagai landasan berperilaku dikabupaten Garut. LP3SyI menjadi media untuk upaya tersebut. Gerakan lainadalah gerakan anti korupsi dengan diwujudkan dalam keseriusanya memberikanmasukan dan koreksi terhadap APBD baik dalam proses perencaaan ataupunpelaksanaannya.; ABSTRACT The change that occurs in Garut Regency has positioned Islamic scholarsto have a significant role in various aspect of lives, especially in religious affairs,almost in every age or period of Islamic scholar?s history. On new order era,Islamic scholars in Garut were positioned by Government to be in the right tract,namely religious aspect. However, along with the changing period, Islamicscholars in Garut have attempted to reposition their identity, which is not onlylimited to religious but also in political aspect. This shows that there hashappened a movement shift of the Islamic scholars in Garut in the period of 1998-2007.The research is to verify that Ulama in Garut starting from 1998-2007 arenot only capable of operating reilgious affairs but political affairs as well. Themethod of this research employed historical method consisting of Heuristic,critical, interpretation, anf historiography stages.The findings showed that in the previous period (New order era), Islamicscholars tended to only move in religious corridor. Meanwhile, in the period of1998-2007, Islamic scholars? movement reached other aspects, such as politic. Inthis period, through BKUI (a uniting media for Islamic scholars? position),Islamic scholars? movements were aimed to reunite their position which wasconsidered as experiencing a gap as a result of national political chaos. Then,Islamic scholars? movement in Garut attempted to create syari‟at Islam (IslamicLaw) as behavior base in Garut regency through media called as LP3SyI. Othermovement is anti corruption action by seriously providing inputs and feedbacks toAPBD (Regional Budgeting) both in the planning process and theimplementation.;The change that occurs in Garut Regency has positioned Islamic scholarsto have a significant role in various aspect of lives, especially in religious affairs,almost in every age or period of Islamic scholar?s history. On new order era,Islamic scholars in Garut were positioned by Government to be in the right tract,namely religious aspect. However, along with the changing period, Islamicscholars in Garut have attempted to reposition their identity, which is not onlylimited to religious but also in political aspect. This shows that there hashappened a movement shift of the Islamic scholars in Garut in the period of 1998-2007.The research is to verify that Ulama in Garut starting from 1998-2007 arenot only capable of operating reilgious affairs but political affairs as well. Themethod of this research employed historical method consisting of Heuristic,critical, interpretation, anf historiography stages.The findings showed that in the previous period (New order era), Islamicscholars tended to only move in religious corridor. Meanwhile, in the period of1998-2007, Islamic scholars? movement reached other aspects, such as politic. Inthis period, through BKUI (a uniting media for Islamic scholars? position),Islamic scholars? movements were aimed to reunite their position which wasconsidered as experiencing a gap as a result of national political chaos. Then,Islamic scholars? movement in Garut attempted to create syari‟at Islam (IslamicLaw) as behavior base in Garut regency through media called as LP3SyI. Othermovement is anti corruption action by seriously providing inputs and feedbacks toAPBD (Regional Budgeting) both in the planning process and theimplementation., The change that occurs in Garut Regency has positioned Islamic scholarsto have a significant role in various aspect of lives, especially in religious affairs,almost in every age or period of Islamic scholar‘s history. On new order era,Islamic scholars in Garut were positioned by Government to be in the right tract,namely religious aspect. However, along with the changing period, Islamicscholars in Garut have attempted to reposition their identity, which is not onlylimited to religious but also in political aspect. This shows that there hashappened a movement shift of the Islamic scholars in Garut in the period of 1998-2007.The research is to verify that Ulama in Garut starting from 1998-2007 arenot only capable of operating reilgious affairs but political affairs as well. Themethod of this research employed historical method consisting of Heuristic,critical, interpretation, anf historiography stages.The findings showed that in the previous period (New order era), Islamicscholars tended to only move in religious corridor. Meanwhile, in the period of1998-2007, Islamic scholars‘ movement reached other aspects, such as politic. Inthis period, through BKUI (a uniting media for Islamic scholars‘ position),Islamic scholars‘ movements were aimed to reunite their position which wasconsidered as experiencing a gap as a result of national political chaos. Then,Islamic scholars‘ movement in Garut attempted to create syari‟at Islam (IslamicLaw) as behavior base in Garut regency through media called as LP3SyI. Othermovement is anti corruption action by seriously providing inputs and feedbacks toAPBD (Regional Budgeting) both in the planning process and theimplementation.] |