[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan modelyang dikemukakan oleh Graaf-Huberts yaitu ? Monster Grid?. Kemudian analisamenggunakan dimensi perilaku kejahatan Clinard-Quinney, yang terdiri dari 5(lima) dimensi perilaku kejahatan.Pelanggaran etika dalam kejahatan perbankanmerupakan salah satu bentuk dari white collar crime, seperti dikemukakan olehSutherland, karena ciri-ciri yang dikemukakan telah terpenuhi oleh parapelakunya. Pertama, para pelaku semuanya merasa tidak bersalah, karenapekerjaan seperti itu telah lama dan berulang kali dilakukan. Kedua, merekamerasa tidak merugikan nasabah/masyarakat.Tetap berhubungan baik dengankorbannya, dalam hal ini nasabahnya.Pada penelitian ini, hanya sampai padasebab mengapa etika tidak dijadikan pedoman dalam menjalankan profesi bankir?.Hal tersebut dapat terjadi antara lain, karena: 1.Lemahnya pengawasan internal;2. Pengawasan sebaiknya terintegrasi dengan faktor-faktor non formal, misalnyafaktor gaya hidup, pergaulan, dan budaya masyarakat; 3. Belum ditaati secaraketat dengan penuh kesadaran prinsip-prinsip kode etik profesinya, karena hanyabersifat Prinsip Kode Etik Bankir. Secara rinci masih diserahkan kepada masingmasingbank untuk mengimprovisasi kode etik tersebut, sesuai dengan kondisibanknya. Kebaikannya, mungkin saja sesuai dengan kondisi banknya, namunkeburukannya, karena masing-masing dapat melakukan improvisasi, sehinggakurang dapat mengikat secara universal, yang berakibat merasa kurang sebagaipedoman yang benar-benar dapat dijadikan acuan yang menyeluruh, tanpa adacelah untuk mengabaikannya.Pada akhirnya dapat disimpulkan kesimpulan bahwameskipun terdapat peraturan formal, SOP pada masing-masing bagian dantingkatannya, namun jika tidak dilandasi dengan etika pada tiap kegiatanoperasional, maka pelanggaran dan kejahatan yang terkait dengan masalah ?kepercayaan ? akan selalu terjadi; ABSTRACT This study used a qualitative approach using the model proposed by Graaf-Huberts ie "Monster Grid". Then, using dimensional analysis of criminalbehavior Clinard-Quinney, who tersiri of 5 (five) dimensions of criminalbehavior.Violation of ethics in banking crime is one form of white collar crime, asstated by Sutherland, as traits he has put forward have been fulfilled by theperpetrators. First, the actors all do not feel guilty, because such work has longand repeatedly performed. Secondly, they are not detrimental to customer. Still agood relationship with the victim, in this case the customers.In this study, onlyuntil the reason why ethics is not used as guidelines in running the bankerprofession ?. This can occur, among others, as:1.Weak internal control; 2.Monitoring should be integrated with non-formal factors, such as lifestyle factors,social, and cultural communities; 3. Not to be strictly adhered to with fullawareness of the principles of the code of ethics profession, because onlyprinciple Bankers Code. In detail still be submitted to the respective banks toimprovise the code, in accordance with the conditions of the bank. Kindness, maybe in accordance with the conditions of the bank, but ugliness, because each canto improvise, making it less able to bind universally, the result was less asguidelines that can actually be used as a comprehensive reference, without anygaps to ignore.In the end it can be concluded the conclusion that despite formalregulations, SOPs in each section and level, but if it is not based on the ethics ofeach operations, the violations and crimes related to the issue of "trust" willalways happen.;This study used a qualitative approach using the model proposed by Graaf-Huberts ie "Monster Grid". Then, using dimensional analysis of criminalbehavior Clinard-Quinney, who tersiri of 5 (five) dimensions of criminalbehavior.Violation of ethics in banking crime is one form of white collar crime, asstated by Sutherland, as traits he has put forward have been fulfilled by theperpetrators. First, the actors all do not feel guilty, because such work has longand repeatedly performed. Secondly, they are not detrimental to customer. Still agood relationship with the victim, in this case the customers.In this study, onlyuntil the reason why ethics is not used as guidelines in running the bankerprofession ?. This can occur, among others, as:1.Weak internal control; 2.Monitoring should be integrated with non-formal factors, such as lifestyle factors,social, and cultural communities; 3. Not to be strictly adhered to with fullawareness of the principles of the code of ethics profession, because onlyprinciple Bankers Code. In detail still be submitted to the respective banks toimprovise the code, in accordance with the conditions of the bank. Kindness, maybe in accordance with the conditions of the bank, but ugliness, because each canto improvise, making it less able to bind universally, the result was less asguidelines that can actually be used as a comprehensive reference, without anygaps to ignore.In the end it can be concluded the conclusion that despite formalregulations, SOPs in each section and level, but if it is not based on the ethics ofeach operations, the violations and crimes related to the issue of "trust" willalways happen., This study used a qualitative approach using the model proposed by Graaf-Huberts ie "Monster Grid". Then, using dimensional analysis of criminalbehavior Clinard-Quinney, who tersiri of 5 (five) dimensions of criminalbehavior.Violation of ethics in banking crime is one form of white collar crime, asstated by Sutherland, as traits he has put forward have been fulfilled by theperpetrators. First, the actors all do not feel guilty, because such work has longand repeatedly performed. Secondly, they are not detrimental to customer. Still agood relationship with the victim, in this case the customers.In this study, onlyuntil the reason why ethics is not used as guidelines in running the bankerprofession ?. This can occur, among others, as:1.Weak internal control; 2.Monitoring should be integrated with non-formal factors, such as lifestyle factors,social, and cultural communities; 3. Not to be strictly adhered to with fullawareness of the principles of the code of ethics profession, because onlyprinciple Bankers Code. In detail still be submitted to the respective banks toimprovise the code, in accordance with the conditions of the bank. Kindness, maybe in accordance with the conditions of the bank, but ugliness, because each canto improvise, making it less able to bind universally, the result was less asguidelines that can actually be used as a comprehensive reference, without anygaps to ignore.In the end it can be concluded the conclusion that despite formalregulations, SOPs in each section and level, but if it is not based on the ethics ofeach operations, the violations and crimes related to the issue of "trust" willalways happen.] |