[ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Masalah relasi orangtua-anak dapat berdampak fatal, tapi seringdisepelekan. Penanganannya mencakup psikofarmaka dan psikoterapi, khususnya analisistransaksional (AT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data kebutuhan pelatihanaplikasi AT, sebagai dasar pembuatan modul aplikasi AT tingkat dasar (AATD) yangvalid dan reliabel. Penelitian juga bertujuan mendapatkan model pelatihan efektifmeningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan AATD untuk penyelesaian masalah relasiorangtua-anak, menggunakan pendekatan pendidikan berbasis kompetensi agar dapatmenghasilkan luaran psikiater yang kompeten.Metode: Disain studi adalah mixed methods, terdiri atas: (a) penelitian potong-lintanganalisis kebutuhan pelatihan aplikasi AT melalui survai kepada 54 psikiater dan 53 calonpsikiater di Indonesia yang terpilih secara acak; (b) pembuatan modul AATD; (c) ujivaliditas dan reliabilitas modul AATD; (d) penelitian kuasi eksperimental keefektifanmodel pelatihan untuk pencapaian kompetensi AATD pada dua kelompok residenpsikiatri; (e) studi kasus implementasi AATD untuk penyelesaian masalah relasiorangtua-anak, yang dilakukan masing-masing 2 orang dari kedua kelompok tersebut.Hasil: Seluruh subjek (total 107) menyatakan membutuhkan modul pelatihan AT.Penilaian modul AATD adalah valid dengan rerata nilai di atas 90 (kategori baik sekali).Penilaian reliabilitas menggunakan Bland-Altman Plot menunjukkan semua penilaianberada dalam rentang batas judgment agreement (SB ±1,96). Pada kelompok latihdidapatkan perbedaan bermakna peningkatan pengetahuan AATD (RR=2,54; IK 95 %1,12-5,75; p <0,001), dan peningkatan keterampilan AATD (RR 4,37; IK 95 % 1,81-10,54; p<0,001) dibandingkan dengan kelompok baca. Implementasi AATD padapenyelesaian masalah relasi orangtua-anak menunjukkan cukup efektif dengan rentanghasil perbaikan dari social control sampai pada tahap transference cure.Simpulan dan Saran: Modul AT dan pelatihannya dibutuhkan oleh psikiater dan calonpsikiater. Modul AATD valid, reliabel, dan efektif untuk penyelesaian masalah relasiorangtua-anak. Model perlakuan latih lebih efektif secara bermakna meningkatkankompetensi pengetahuan dan ketrampilan AATD. Pengembangan modul aplikasi ATtingkat lanjut diperlukan untuk penanganan kasus yang lebih kompleks; ABSTRACT Background: The parent-child relationship problems can cause fatal effects if theywere not managed properly. Managements of parent-child relationship problems requirepharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, also transactional analysis (TA). The aims of thisstudy are to obtain data on the training needs of TA applications, which are used as thebasis for the application of basic transactional analysis (ABTA) which is valid andreliable, also capturing the effective training model to improve the knowledge and skillsof ABTA, as well as evaluating its effectiveness in managing the parent-childrelationship problems. The module approach is competency-based on education in orderto produce psychiatrists who are competent in providing optimal health care.Method: The design of this study was a mixed methods, comprising: (a) cross-sectionalstudy of needs training analysis for the TA application by survey on 54 psychiatrists and53 psychiatrist candidates in Indonesia which were chosen randomly; (b) ABTA modulemaking along with the tools; (c) validity and reliability test of ABTA module; (d) quasiexperimentalstudy about the effectivity of training module in order to achieve theABTA competency in two groups of psychiatrict candidates; (e) case studies of ABTAimplementation in managing the parent-child relationship problems.Result: The whole subjects (total 107) declared the needs of ABTA training modules;demonstrated the validity of the ABTA module was valid, with a mean value of all is theabove 90 (excellent value category) and reliability assessment judgment using the Bland-Altman Plot indicates that all within the range limits of agreement (± 1.96 SD). In thetraining group, a significant difference about the improvement of TA knowledge wasfound (RR=2.54; 95 % CI: 1.12-5.75; p<0.001), and the improvement of ABTA skill(RR=4.37; 95 % CI: 1.81-10.54; p<0.001) compared with the reading group. Theimplementation of ABTA indicated that the use of ABTA module was effective enough,with the results of improvements ranging from the social control to the transference curestage.Conclusion and Recommendation: The TA module and its training is needed by bothpsychiatrists and psychiatrist candidates. The ABTA module is valid, reliable, andeffective in managing the parents-child relationship problems. ABTA training module ismore effective and significant to improve the knowledge and skills competency ofABTA. Development of advanced application module TA is necessary in managingmore complex cases.;Background: The parent-child relationship problems can cause fatal effects if theywere not managed properly. Managements of parent-child relationship problems requirepharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, also transactional analysis (TA). The aims of thisstudy are to obtain data on the training needs of TA applications, which are used as thebasis for the application of basic transactional analysis (ABTA) which is valid andreliable, also capturing the effective training model to improve the knowledge and skillsof ABTA, as well as evaluating its effectiveness in managing the parent-childrelationship problems. The module approach is competency-based on education in orderto produce psychiatrists who are competent in providing optimal health care.Method: The design of this study was a mixed methods, comprising: (a) cross-sectionalstudy of needs training analysis for the TA application by survey on 54 psychiatrists and53 psychiatrist candidates in Indonesia which were chosen randomly; (b) ABTA modulemaking along with the tools; (c) validity and reliability test of ABTA module; (d) quasiexperimentalstudy about the effectivity of training module in order to achieve theABTA competency in two groups of psychiatrict candidates; (e) case studies of ABTAimplementation in managing the parent-child relationship problems.Result: The whole subjects (total 107) declared the needs of ABTA training modules;demonstrated the validity of the ABTA module was valid, with a mean value of all is theabove 90 (excellent value category) and reliability assessment judgment using the Bland-Altman Plot indicates that all within the range limits of agreement (± 1.96 SD). In thetraining group, a significant difference about the improvement of TA knowledge wasfound (RR=2.54; 95 % CI: 1.12-5.75; p<0.001), and the improvement of ABTA skill(RR=4.37; 95 % CI: 1.81-10.54; p<0.001) compared with the reading group. Theimplementation of ABTA indicated that the use of ABTA module was effective enough,with the results of improvements ranging from the social control to the transference curestage.Conclusion and Recommendation: The TA module and its training is needed by bothpsychiatrists and psychiatrist candidates. The ABTA module is valid, reliable, andeffective in managing the parents-child relationship problems. ABTA training module ismore effective and significant to improve the knowledge and skills competency ofABTA. Development of advanced application module TA is necessary in managingmore complex cases., Background: The parent-child relationship problems can cause fatal effects if theywere not managed properly. Managements of parent-child relationship problems requirepharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, also transactional analysis (TA). The aims of thisstudy are to obtain data on the training needs of TA applications, which are used as thebasis for the application of basic transactional analysis (ABTA) which is valid andreliable, also capturing the effective training model to improve the knowledge and skillsof ABTA, as well as evaluating its effectiveness in managing the parent-childrelationship problems. The module approach is competency-based on education in orderto produce psychiatrists who are competent in providing optimal health care.Method: The design of this study was a mixed methods, comprising: (a) cross-sectionalstudy of needs training analysis for the TA application by survey on 54 psychiatrists and53 psychiatrist candidates in Indonesia which were chosen randomly; (b) ABTA modulemaking along with the tools; (c) validity and reliability test of ABTA module; (d) quasiexperimentalstudy about the effectivity of training module in order to achieve theABTA competency in two groups of psychiatrict candidates; (e) case studies of ABTAimplementation in managing the parent-child relationship problems.Result: The whole subjects (total 107) declared the needs of ABTA training modules;demonstrated the validity of the ABTA module was valid, with a mean value of all is theabove 90 (excellent value category) and reliability assessment judgment using the Bland-Altman Plot indicates that all within the range limits of agreement (± 1.96 SD). In thetraining group, a significant difference about the improvement of TA knowledge wasfound (RR=2.54; 95 % CI: 1.12-5.75; p<0.001), and the improvement of ABTA skill(RR=4.37; 95 % CI: 1.81-10.54; p<0.001) compared with the reading group. Theimplementation of ABTA indicated that the use of ABTA module was effective enough,with the results of improvements ranging from the social control to the transference curestage.Conclusion and Recommendation: The TA module and its training is needed by bothpsychiatrists and psychiatrist candidates. The ABTA module is valid, reliable, andeffective in managing the parents-child relationship problems. ABTA training module ismore effective and significant to improve the knowledge and skills competency ofABTA. Development of advanced application module TA is necessary in managingmore complex cases.] |