[ABSTRAK LATAR BELAKANG: Katiadaan instrumen penilaian kompetensi yang validmenyulitkan penilaian praktik konseling terhadap tenaga gizi desa (Barangay NutritionScholars, BNS) yang mendapat pelatihan konseling pemberian makanan pada bayi dananak (infant and young child feeding, IYCF). Studi ini dirancang untuk mengembangkandan memvalidasi instrumen penilaian kompetensi BNS dalam memberikan konselingIYCF.METODE: Desain penelitian metodologi digunakan untuk mengembangkan dan validasiinstrumen pengukur kompetensi konseling IYCF meliputi pengetahuan, sikap, danketerampilan, berdasarkan frekuensi, intensitas, dan aktivitas. Instrumen ini ditujukanpenggunaanya oleh BNS, supervisor, maupun klien. Uji coba dan revisi berdasarkan hasilanalisis item dilakukan pada 320 BNS dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lapangan terhadap 280BNS. Validitas isi (content validity) dikaji oleh beberapa pakar, sedangkan konsistensiinternal (internal consistency) dan validitas konstruk (construct validity) diuji denganCronbach?s alpha dan, exploratory dan confirmatory factor analysis. Distribusi bobotpengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan dan nilai titik potong kompetensi untuk tiapconstruct dan instrumen ditetapkan berdasarkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas menggunakanROC Curve.HASIL: Instrumen yang valid terdiri dari: 1) 28 item terkait pengetahuan BNS dengantipe memilih benar atau salah suatu pertanyaan, pertanyaan dengan jawaban singkat, danpilihan ganda; 2) 10 item terkait sikap BNS dengan Likert scale untuk menilai pandanganpribadi, sikap terhadap implementasi, dan hambatan yang dirasakan saat konseling IYCF;3) 18 item menggunakan 5 skala frekuensi penilaian BNS dalam mendengarkan,memberikan support, dan praktik penilaian dan keterampilan; 4) 18 item dengan 4 skalanilai untuk atasan BNS menilai intensitas proses konseling, penilaian dan penggunaanmateri IYCF; dan 5) 17 item berupa daftar tilik kegiatan untuk klien menilai pemberiansupport, penilaian, dan praktik keterampilan. Gabungan item masing-masing menjadiinstrumen penilaian kompetensi KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM dan KAS-COMdengan nilai titik potong masing-masing yaitu 75%, 50%, 80% dan 65%. Berdasarkanpembobotan 20% untuk pengetahuan, 10% sikap, dan 70% keterampilan diperoleh 30%BNS yang kompeten dalam konseling IYCF.KESIMPULAN: Hasil pengembangan instrumen penilaian kompetensi BNS melakukankonseling IYCF memiliki konsistensi internal dan tingkat validitas yang sedang sampaitinggi. ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has beentrained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of avalidated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency todo IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validatethe instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer thequestion: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure thecompetency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate theinstruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitudeand skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity wereassessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-offscore for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity andspecificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge testwith true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNSattitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towardsimplementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scalefrequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment andaction skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess theintensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessmentand actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessmentinstruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions forknowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCFcounseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistencyand validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for makingdependable judgments and interpretations.;BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has beentrained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of avalidated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency todo IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validatethe instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer thequestion: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure thecompetency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate theinstruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitudeand skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity wereassessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-offscore for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity andspecificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge testwith true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNSattitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towardsimplementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scalefrequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment andaction skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess theintensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessmentand actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessmentinstruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions forknowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCFcounseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistencyand validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for makingdependable judgments and interpretations.;BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has beentrained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of avalidated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency todo IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validatethe instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer thequestion: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure thecompetency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate theinstruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitudeand skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity wereassessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-offscore for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity andspecificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge testwith true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNSattitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towardsimplementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scalefrequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment andaction skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess theintensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessmentand actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessmentinstruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions forknowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCFcounseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistencyand validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for makingdependable judgments and interpretations., BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has beentrained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of avalidated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency todo IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validatethe instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer thequestion: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure thecompetency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate theinstruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitudeand skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity wereassessed using Cronbach’s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-offscore for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity andspecificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge testwith true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNSattitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towardsimplementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scalefrequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment andaction skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess theintensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessmentand actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessmentinstruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions forknowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCFcounseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistencyand validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for makingdependable judgments and interpretations.] |