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Ekspresi Cdx2 pada esofagus barret dengan metaplasia kolumnar dan intestinal = The expression of Cdx2 in barrett s esophagus with columnar and intestinal metaplasia

Ukhti Jamil Rustiasari; Diah Rini Handjari, supervisor; Kusmardi, supervisor (Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015)


Latar Belakang : Esofagus Barrett (EB) merupakan lesi premaligna
adenokarsinoma esofagus yang meningkatkan risiko menjadi adenokarsinoma
sebesar 30-125 kali. EB didefinisikan sebagai perubahan epitel esofagus normal
digantikan oleh epitel kolumnar metaplastik, meskipun secara universal belum ada
kesepakatan definisi. Kehadiran sel goblet (metaplasia intestinal) sebagai penanda
EB hingga saat ini masih kontroversi. CDX2 adalah gen regulator transkripsi dalam
diferensiasi intestinal dan diketahui terekspresi pada EB. Studi mengenai ekspresi
protein Cdx2 menggunakan pulasan imunohistokimia pada EB dengan metaplasia
kolumnar (MK) maupun metaplasia intestinal (MI) masih terbatas. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui ekspresi Cdx2 pada EB dengan MK dan MI serta
hubungannya dengan derajat keparahan endoskopi.
Bahan dan cara : Dilakukan pulasan imunohistokimia Cdx2 pada 38 kasus dari 19
pasien EB dengan MK dan 19 dengan MI. Penilaian dilakukan dengan menghitung
skor pulasan yang menilai intensitas pulasan dan persentase area positif.
Imunoekspresi Cdx2 dinilai positif apabila skor pulasan ≥ 0,1.
Hasil : Ekspresi Cdx2 ditemukan pada 12 (63,16%) kasus MK dan pada 16
(84,21%) kasus MI. Didapatkan nilai median kelompok MK sebesar 0,15 dan MI
sebesar 0,58. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara skor Cdx2 pada kelompok MK
dan MI (p=0,05). Diperoleh korelasi bermakna antara kehadiran MI dan skor Cdx2
dengan nilai korelasi positif lemah (0,322). Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna
antara derajat keparahan endoskopi dengan jenis metaplasia (p=0,794), derajat
inflamasi berdasarkan histopatologik (p=0,300) maupun dengan positivitas Cdx2
Kesimpulan : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekspresi Cdx2 dapat digunakan sebagai penanda kehadiran MI pada kasus EB dengan MK tanpa gambaran sel goblet.ABSTRACT Background : Barrett?s Esophagus (BE) is premalignan lesion of the esophageal
adenocarcinoma that increases risk of adenocarcinoma as much as 30-125 times.
BE is defined as normal esophageal epithelium that is changed by columnar
epithelial metaplasia. Nevertheless, there is no general agreement about its
definition yet. Currently, the presence of goblet cell (intestinal metaplasia) as an
indicator of BE is still controversial. Cdx2 is a regulator transcript gene in intestinal
differentiation and is known expressed in BE. Study about Cdx2 protein expression
using immunohistochemistry staining in BE with columnar metaplasia (CM) or
intestinal metaplasia (IM) is still limited. This research is intended to find Cdx2
expression in BE with CM and IM as well as its relationship with the severity degree
of endoscopy.
Material and Method : Immunohistochemistry staining of Cdx2 was performed
on 38 cases (i.e. each 19 BE patients with CM and IM). The assessment was
evaluated by calculating staining score that assessed staining intensity and
percentage of positive area. Immunoexpression was considered as positive if
staining score ≥ 0.1.
Result : Cdx2 expression was found on 12 CM patients (63,16%) and 16 IM
patients (84,21%). Median scores of 0,15 and 0,58 were obtained from CM and IM
groups, respectively. There was a significant difference between Cdx2 score of CM
group and IM group (p = 0,05). Significant correlation between the presence of IM
and Cdx2 score was weak positive (0,322). There was no relationship between
severity degree of endoscopy with types of metaplasia (p=0,794), histopathologic
inflammation degree (p=0,300) or Cdx2 positivity (p=0,278).
Conclusion : This study shows that Cdx2 expression can be used an indicator of IM presence on EB cases with CM without goblet cell appearance.;Background : Barrett?s Esophagus (BE) is premalignan lesion of the esophageal
adenocarcinoma that increases risk of adenocarcinoma as much as 30-125 times.
BE is defined as normal esophageal epithelium that is changed by columnar
epithelial metaplasia. Nevertheless, there is no general agreement about its
definition yet. Currently, the presence of goblet cell (intestinal metaplasia) as an
indicator of BE is still controversial. Cdx2 is a regulator transcript gene in intestinal
differentiation and is known expressed in BE. Study about Cdx2 protein expression
using immunohistochemistry staining in BE with columnar metaplasia (CM) or
intestinal metaplasia (IM) is still limited. This research is intended to find Cdx2
expression in BE with CM and IM as well as its relationship with the severity degree
of endoscopy.
Material and Method : Immunohistochemistry staining of Cdx2 was performed
on 38 cases (i.e. each 19 BE patients with CM and IM). The assessment was
evaluated by calculating staining score that assessed staining intensity and
percentage of positive area. Immunoexpression was considered as positive if
staining score ≥ 0.1.
Result : Cdx2 expression was found on 12 CM patients (63,16%) and 16 IM
patients (84,21%). Median scores of 0,15 and 0,58 were obtained from CM and IM
groups, respectively. There was a significant difference between Cdx2 score of CM
group and IM group (p = 0,05). Significant correlation between the presence of IM
and Cdx2 score was weak positive (0,322). There was no relationship between
severity degree of endoscopy with types of metaplasia (p=0,794), histopathologic
inflammation degree (p=0,300) or Cdx2 positivity (p=0,278).
Conclusion : This study shows that Cdx2 expression can be used an indicator of IM presence on EB cases with CM without goblet cell appearance., Background : Barrett’s Esophagus (BE) is premalignan lesion of the esophageal
adenocarcinoma that increases risk of adenocarcinoma as much as 30-125 times.
BE is defined as normal esophageal epithelium that is changed by columnar
epithelial metaplasia. Nevertheless, there is no general agreement about its
definition yet. Currently, the presence of goblet cell (intestinal metaplasia) as an
indicator of BE is still controversial. Cdx2 is a regulator transcript gene in intestinal
differentiation and is known expressed in BE. Study about Cdx2 protein expression
using immunohistochemistry staining in BE with columnar metaplasia (CM) or
intestinal metaplasia (IM) is still limited. This research is intended to find Cdx2
expression in BE with CM and IM as well as its relationship with the severity degree
of endoscopy.
Material and Method : Immunohistochemistry staining of Cdx2 was performed
on 38 cases (i.e. each 19 BE patients with CM and IM). The assessment was
evaluated by calculating staining score that assessed staining intensity and
percentage of positive area. Immunoexpression was considered as positive if
staining score ≥ 0.1.
Result : Cdx2 expression was found on 12 CM patients (63,16%) and 16 IM
patients (84,21%). Median scores of 0,15 and 0,58 were obtained from CM and IM
groups, respectively. There was a significant difference between Cdx2 score of CM
group and IM group (p = 0,05). Significant correlation between the presence of IM
and Cdx2 score was weak positive (0,322). There was no relationship between
severity degree of endoscopy with types of metaplasia (p=0,794), histopathologic
inflammation degree (p=0,300) or Cdx2 positivity (p=0,278).
Conclusion : This study shows that Cdx2 expression can be used an indicator of IM presence on EB cases with CM without goblet cell appearance.]

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Entri utama-Nama orang :
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Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xv, 57 pages : illustration+appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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