[ABSTRAK Prediksi dari posisi proton dan neutron dripline dipelajari dalam model ModiedRelativistic Mean Field (MRMF) menggunakan tujuh buah variasi parameter set.Posisi proton dan neutron dripline diprediksi dengan menggunakan energi separasidan energi partikel tunggal. Dalam model MRMF ini, dapat dilihat pengaruhkopling isovektor-isoskalar, tensor dan electromagnetic exchange terhadap prediksiproton dan neutron dripline. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa prediksi protondripline pada isoton N = 28 tidak dipengaruhi oleh ketiga faktor tersebut. Selainitu, proton dripline pada isoton N = 28 tidak memiliki korelasi yang kuat terhadapsifat bulk inti. Prediksi neutron dripline pada isotop Ca dan isotop Pb dipengaruhioleh ketiga faktor tersebut yang ditandai dengan berbedanya prediksi pada setiapvariasi parameter set. Neutron dripline pada isotop Ca memiliki korelasi yang kuatterhadap skin. Namun, pada isotop Pb tidak terlihat korelasi yang kuat terhadapskin. Pada daerah superheavy, isoton N = 258 memiliki hasil prediksi proton driplineyang dipengaruhi oleh ketiga faktor, terutama tensor dan electromagnetic exchange,serta memiliki korelasi yang kuat terhadap skin, jari-jari muatan, dan ketebalanpermukaan. ABSTRACT Study of prediction of proton and neutron dripline in Modied Relativistic Mean Field(MRMF) model using seven variations of parameter set. The position of protonand neutron dripline predicted use energy separation and energy single particle method.In this MRMF model, can be seen the eects of coupling isovector-isoscalar,tensors, and electromagnetic exchange on prediction of proton and neutron dripline.The result of these calculation show that prediction of proton dripline in isotone N= 28 not inuenced by all these factors. Moreover, proton dripline in isotone N = 28do not have a strong correlation with nucleus bulk properties. Prediction of neutrondripline in isotope Ca and isotope Pb inuenced by all these factors characterizedby dierent predictions on each variations of parameter set. Neutron dripline atisotope Ca have a strong correlation with skin. However, at isotope Pb does notlook strong correlation with skin. In the superheavy region, isotone N = 258 hasthe predicted outcome of protons which is inuenced by all these factors, notablytensors and electromagnetic exchange and having a strong correlation with skin,charge radius, and surface thickness., Study of prediction of proton and neutron dripline in Modied Relativistic Mean Field(MRMF) model using seven variations of parameter set. The position of protonand neutron dripline predicted use energy separation and energy single particle method.In this MRMF model, can be seen the eects of coupling isovector-isoscalar,tensors, and electromagnetic exchange on prediction of proton and neutron dripline.The result of these calculation show that prediction of proton dripline in isotone N= 28 not inuenced by all these factors. Moreover, proton dripline in isotone N = 28do not have a strong correlation with nucleus bulk properties. Prediction of neutrondripline in isotope Ca and isotope Pb inuenced by all these factors characterizedby dierent predictions on each variations of parameter set. Neutron dripline atisotope Ca have a strong correlation with skin. However, at isotope Pb does notlook strong correlation with skin. In the superheavy region, isotone N = 258 hasthe predicted outcome of protons which is inuenced by all these factors, notablytensors and electromagnetic exchange and having a strong correlation with skin,charge radius, and surface thickness.] |