[ABSTRAK Di permukaan bintang neutron, perubahan kerapatan partikel yang signikan dapatmenghasilkan separasi muatan dalam bentuk lapisan dipol listrik. Pada penelitianini dipelajari efek medan listrik akibat lapisan tersebut terhadap properti dari bintangneutron. Untuk memodelkan kerapatan lapisan dipol listrik, kami menggunakandua fungsi Gaussian. Pada perhitungan ini kami gunakan dua model denganasumsi berbeda, yakni: model dengan asumsi bahwa bintang neutron hanya tersusunatas p, n, e dan serta model dengan asumsi bintang neutron tersusun dari p, n, e, dan hyperon. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa massa maksimum tidaksensitif terhadap medan listrik di permukaan, tetapi radius bintang dengan massakanonik 1:4Mb cukup sensitif terhadap medan listrik. Bintang neutron denganhyperon bersifat lebih soft dibandingkan bintang neutron tanpa hyperon ABSTRACT On the surface of a neutron star, a signicant particle density changes can producecharge separation in the form electric dipole layer. This research studied electriceld eect from the dipole layer on the properties of neutron star. For modelingelectric dipole layer density, we use two Gaussian functions. We use two modelswith dierent assumptions: namely a model which assumes the neutron star is onlycomposed of p, n, e and and a model which assumes the neutron star is composed ofp, n, e, and hyperon. The result showes that the maximum mass is not sensitive tothe electric elds on the surface, but the radius of star with canonical mass 1:4Mbis quite sensitive to electric elds. The neutron star with hyperon is softer thanwithout hyperon;On the surface of a neutron star, a signicant particle density changes can producecharge separation in the form electric dipole layer. This research studied electriceld eect from the dipole layer on the properties of neutron star. For modelingelectric dipole layer density, we use two Gaussian functions. We use two modelswith dierent assumptions: namely a model which assumes the neutron star is onlycomposed of p, n, e and and a model which assumes the neutron star is composed ofp, n, e, and hyperon. The result showes that the maximum mass is not sensitive tothe electric elds on the surface, but the radius of star with canonical mass 1:4Mbis quite sensitive to electric elds. The neutron star with hyperon is softer thanwithout hyperon, On the surface of a neutron star, a signicant particle density changes can producecharge separation in the form electric dipole layer. This research studied electriceld eect from the dipole layer on the properties of neutron star. For modelingelectric dipole layer density, we use two Gaussian functions. We use two modelswith dierent assumptions: namely a model which assumes the neutron star is onlycomposed of p, n, e and and a model which assumes the neutron star is composed ofp, n, e, and hyperon. The result showes that the maximum mass is not sensitive tothe electric elds on the surface, but the radius of star with canonical mass 1:4Mbis quite sensitive to electric elds. The neutron star with hyperon is softer thanwithout hyperon] |