[Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan distribusi karakteristik torus palatinus pada laki-laki dan perempuan pada populasi Indonesia Barat. Penelitian dilakukan pada 274 orang mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia tahun 2014. Presentasi torus palatinus dilihat melalui inspeksi dan palpasi. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan prevalensi torus palatinus sebanyak 77,4% dengan prevalensi lebih tinggi pada perempuan (86,9% vs. 69,7%, P = 0,001). Pada laki-laki, torus palatinus berukuran kecil (<3 mm) ditemukan paling banyak (67,9%), sementara pada perempuan, torus palatinus berukuran sedang (3-6 mm) mendominasi (50,9%) dengan nilai P <0,001. Berdasarkan jumlahnya, torus palatinus paling banyak ditemukan berjumlah satu buah pada laki-laki dan perempuan dengan persentase yang sedikit berbeda (92,5% dan 88,7% secara berurutan, P = 0,002). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan prevalensi dan distribusi karakteristik torus palatinus pada laki-laki dan perempuan pada populasi Indonesia Barat.;The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence and characteristics distribution of torus palatinus in males and females among Western Indonesian population. This study was conducted in 274 new students of Universitas Indonesia batch 2014. The presence of torus palatinus was observed through inspection and palpation. The results showed the prevalence of torus palatinus in this sample was 77.4% and it was significantly higher in females than in males (86.9% vs. 69.7%, P = 0.001). According to its size, with the P value of <0.001, the small torus palatinus (<3 mm) dominated its prevalence in males (67.9%), while in females the medium size torus palatinus has the highest occurence among all (50.9%). Most of torus palatinus were found as a single tori in both males and females with slightly different percentage (92.5% and 88.7% respectively, P = 0.002). This study showed significant difference of prevalence and characteristics distribution of torus palatinus in males and females among Western Indonesian population., The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence and characteristics distribution of torus palatinus in males and females among Western Indonesian population. This study was conducted in 274 new students of Universitas Indonesia batch 2014. The presence of torus palatinus was observed through inspection and palpation. The results showed the prevalence of torus palatinus in this sample was 77.4% and it was significantly higher in females than in males (86.9% vs. 69.7%, P = 0.001). According to its size, with the P value of <0.001, the small torus palatinus (<3 mm) dominated its prevalence in males (67.9%), while in females the medium size torus palatinus has the highest occurence among all (50.9%). Most of torus palatinus were found as a single tori in both males and females with slightly different percentage (92.5% and 88.7% respectively, P = 0.002). This study showed significant difference of prevalence and characteristics distribution of torus palatinus in males and females among Western Indonesian population.] |