[ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas tentang penyajian laporan keuangan pemerintah pusat denganstudi banding pada 5 negara, yaitu Afrika Selatan, Amerika Serikat, Australia,Selandia Baru, dan Indonesia sebagai objek utama penelitian. Penelitian ini adalahpenelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melihat komponenlaporan keuangan pemerintah di masing-masing negara dan membandingkannyadengan IPSAS serta membandingkan antara GFS dengan komponen dalam laporankeuangan seperti pengklasifikasian pendapatan, beban, aset, liabiltias dan belanjafungsional. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa penyajian laporankeuangan pemerintah Indonesia sudah cukup baik jika dibandingkan dengan negaralain dan standar Internasional, namun diperlukan peningkatan dalam beberapa halseperti kelengkapan standar akuntansi keuangan dan penyajian informasi nonkeuangan.ABSTRACT The focus of this study is to analyze the presentation of central government financialstatements in 5 countries, which are South Africa, United States, Australia, NewZealand, and Indonesia as a main object of this study. This research is qualitativedescriptive. This research was conducted by analyzing the component ofgovernment financial statement in each country and comparing them with IPSASand also comparing GFS with components in financial statements, such asclassification of revenue, expense, asset, liabilities, and expenditure. The result ofthis research revealed that the presentation of Indonesian central governmentfinancial statements is quite good compared to others and International standard,but still needs some improvements on several things, such as financial accountingstandard and presentation of non-financial information.;The focus of this study is to analyze the presentation of central government financialstatements in 5 countries, which are South Africa, United States, Australia, NewZealand, and Indonesia as a main object of this study. This research is qualitativedescriptive. This research was conducted by analyzing the component ofgovernment financial statement in each country and comparing them with IPSASand also comparing GFS with components in financial statements, such asclassification of revenue, expense, asset, liabilities, and expenditure. The result ofthis research revealed that the presentation of Indonesian central governmentfinancial statements is quite good compared to others and International standard,but still needs some improvements on several things, such as financial accountingstandard and presentation of non-financial information., The focus of this study is to analyze the presentation of central government financialstatements in 5 countries, which are South Africa, United States, Australia, NewZealand, and Indonesia as a main object of this study. This research is qualitativedescriptive. This research was conducted by analyzing the component ofgovernment financial statement in each country and comparing them with IPSASand also comparing GFS with components in financial statements, such asclassification of revenue, expense, asset, liabilities, and expenditure. The result ofthis research revealed that the presentation of Indonesian central governmentfinancial statements is quite good compared to others and International standard,but still needs some improvements on several things, such as financial accountingstandard and presentation of non-financial information.] |