[ABSTRAK Tujuan : Mengetahui perbedaan perilaku menyikat gigi pada anak usia 10-11 tahunsetelah mendapatkan pendidikan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan dan tanpa metodeteach-back. Metode : studi analitik komparatif yang dilakukan dengan pengisiankuesioner perilaku (pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan), pemeriksaan indeks plak, danobservasi keterampilan menyikat gigi pada anak usia 10 ? 11 tahun di Sekolah DasarNegeri Kukusan. Hasil : Pada minggu ketiga, terjadi peningkatan skor pengetahuan,sikap, tindakan, penurunan indeks plak, dan peningkatan keterampilan menyikat gigiyang bermakna pada kelompok intervensi. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol,peningkatan bermakna hanya pada domain sikap. Perbedaan bermakna antara keduakelompok ini hanya pada perubahan indeks plak. Kesimpulan : tidak ada perbedaanbermakna pada perilaku antara kelompok yang diberikan pendidikan kesehatan gigidan mulut dengan dan tanpa metode teach-backABSTRACT Objective: To determine the differences in tooth brushing behavior in children aged10-11 years after getting dental health education with and without the teach-backmethod. Methods: comparative analytical studies conducted by behavioralquestionnaires (knowledge, attitudes and actions), examination of plaque index, toothbrushing and observation skills in children aged 10-11 years old at the StateElementary School Kukusan. Results: In the third week, there are significantdifference in improvement score of knowledge, attitude, action, reduction in plaqueindex, and tooth brushing skills in the intervention group. Whereas in the controlgroup, increased significantly only in the domain of attitude. Significant differencesbetween the two groups is only on plaque index changes. Conclusion: No significantdifference in behavior between the group given dental health education with andwithout the teach-back method.;Objective: To determine the differences in tooth brushing behavior in children aged10-11 years after getting dental health education with and without the teach-backmethod. Methods: comparative analytical studies conducted by behavioralquestionnaires (knowledge, attitudes and actions), examination of plaque index, toothbrushing and observation skills in children aged 10-11 years old at the StateElementary School Kukusan. Results: In the third week, there are significantdifference in improvement score of knowledge, attitude, action, reduction in plaqueindex, and tooth brushing skills in the intervention group. Whereas in the controlgroup, increased significantly only in the domain of attitude. Significant differencesbetween the two groups is only on plaque index changes. Conclusion: No significantdifference in behavior between the group given dental health education with andwithout the teach-back method., Objective: To determine the differences in tooth brushing behavior in children aged10-11 years after getting dental health education with and without the teach-backmethod. Methods: comparative analytical studies conducted by behavioralquestionnaires (knowledge, attitudes and actions), examination of plaque index, toothbrushing and observation skills in children aged 10-11 years old at the StateElementary School Kukusan. Results: In the third week, there are significantdifference in improvement score of knowledge, attitude, action, reduction in plaqueindex, and tooth brushing skills in the intervention group. Whereas in the controlgroup, increased significantly only in the domain of attitude. Significant differencesbetween the two groups is only on plaque index changes. Conclusion: No significantdifference in behavior between the group given dental health education with andwithout the teach-back method.] |