[Penelitian ini merancang strategi penanganan risiko pada Pusat AdministrasiProgram (PAP) Vokasi UI. Tujuannya adalah mengusulkan rancangan penerapanmanajemen risiko pada PAP Vokasi UI dalam rangka pemenuhan persyaratan ISO9001:2015 terkait sertifikasi yang ditargetkan diraih pada tahun 2016. Penelitianini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja manajemen risiko ISO31000:2009 dimana pada penelitian ini dilakukan identifikasi risiko yangterangkum pada risk breakdown structure dan didapatkan sebanyak 64 risiko dari18 prosedur pelayanan. Setelah itu, dilakukan analisis risiko operasional yangmungkin terjadi di PAP Vokasi UI untuk menentukan tingkat risiko yang akandiprioritaskan pada perancangan strategi penanganan risiko dan didapatkansebanyak 18 risiko dengan tingkat rendah, 35 risiko dengan tingkat sedang, dan11 risiko dengan tingkat tinggi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rancanganpenerapan manajemen risiko berupa strategi penanganan risiko sesuai tingkatrisiko (rendah, sedang dan tinggi) dimana terdapat secara kumulatif 62 risikodengan strategi mitigate, 9 risiko dengan strategi transfer, dan 7 risiko denganstrategi accept.;This research focuses on designing risk management strategy in PusatAdministrasi Program (PAP) Vokasi UI. The main objective of this research is topropose risk management implementation plan in PAP Vokasi UI in order tofulfill the ISO 9001:2015 requirements relating to the certification which isintended to be achieved in 2016. This research is done using risk managementframework ISO 31000:2009. As concluded in the risk breakdown structure, a riskidentification process is done in this research, resulting in the identification of 64risks from 18 service procedures. An analysis on possible operational risks is doneafterwards to determine the risk level to be prioritized in risk managementstrategy planning. This analysis shows that there are 18 low-level risks, 35medium-level risks and 11 high-level risks. The result of this research is riskmanagement implementation plan, which is risk management strategy accordingto the risk level (low, medium and high) in which there are cumulatively 62 riskswith mitigate strategy, 9 risks with transfer strategy and 7 risks with acceptstrategy.;This research focuses on designing risk management strategy in PusatAdministrasi Program (PAP) Vokasi UI. The main objective of this research is topropose risk management implementation plan in PAP Vokasi UI in order tofulfill the ISO 9001:2015 requirements relating to the certification which isintended to be achieved in 2016. This research is done using risk managementframework ISO 31000:2009. As concluded in the risk breakdown structure, a riskidentification process is done in this research, resulting in the identification of 64risks from 18 service procedures. An analysis on possible operational risks is doneafterwards to determine the risk level to be prioritized in risk managementstrategy planning. This analysis shows that there are 18 low-level risks, 35medium-level risks and 11 high-level risks. The result of this research is riskmanagement implementation plan, which is risk management strategy accordingto the risk level (low, medium and high) in which there are cumulatively 62 riskswith mitigate strategy, 9 risks with transfer strategy and 7 risks with acceptstrategy., This research focuses on designing risk management strategy in PusatAdministrasi Program (PAP) Vokasi UI. The main objective of this research is topropose risk management implementation plan in PAP Vokasi UI in order tofulfill the ISO 9001:2015 requirements relating to the certification which isintended to be achieved in 2016. This research is done using risk managementframework ISO 31000:2009. As concluded in the risk breakdown structure, a riskidentification process is done in this research, resulting in the identification of 64risks from 18 service procedures. An analysis on possible operational risks is doneafterwards to determine the risk level to be prioritized in risk managementstrategy planning. This analysis shows that there are 18 low-level risks, 35medium-level risks and 11 high-level risks. The result of this research is riskmanagement implementation plan, which is risk management strategy accordingto the risk level (low, medium and high) in which there are cumulatively 62 riskswith mitigate strategy, 9 risks with transfer strategy and 7 risks with acceptstrategy.] |