[ABSTRAK Proses kerja mekanik motor PT. X diduga berisiko terhadap gejala muskuloskeletal.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan gambaran tingkat risiko gejalamuskuloskeletal pada mekanik motor PT. X Jakarta dengan metode QEC, REBAdan NBM pada setiap tahap perawatan motor. Berdasarkan penilaian QEC,didapatkan hasil bahwa proses kerja mekanik motor harus diinvestigasi lebih lanjutdan dilakukan perubahan. Penilaian REBA menunjukkan tingkat risiko yang tinggi.Penilaian NBM menunjukkan punggung, pinggang, bahu kiri, dan lengan ataskanan (70%) menjadi anggota tubuh yang paling sering dikeluhan. Upayapengendalian yang telah dilakukan perusahaan adalah menyediakan hidrolik bagisetiap pekerja, namun pekerja tidak menggunakannya. Dengan adanya peraturankewajiban penggunaan hidrolik dan pengawasan pada setiap pekerja, tingkat risikogejala muskuloskeletal dapat diturunkan. Selain itu, upaya lain yang dapatdilakukan adalah merubah desain area kerja, mengganti peralatan kerja, danpelatihan ergonomi bagi pekerja.ABSTRACT The working process of motorcycle mechanics in PT. X has risk to musculoskeletalsymptoms. This research aims to describe the risk level of musculoskeletalsymptoms to motorcycle mechanics in PT. X Jakarta, using QEC, REBA, and NBMmethods in every process of motorcycle treatment. Based on QEC assessment, theresult showed working process of motorcycle mechanics should be investigatedfurther and changed soon. REBA assessment showed high risk level. NBMassessment showed back, waist, left shoulder, and right upper arm (70%) is the mostcommon symptoms. PT. X has provided hydraulic for each workers, but they didn?tuse it. PT. X shall make regulation to obligate workers using their hydraulic andsupervision to each workers. Then, other efforts are by redesigning work station,substituting work equipment, and training about ergonomic for workers.;The working process of motorcycle mechanics in PT. X has risk to musculoskeletalsymptoms. This research aims to describe the risk level of musculoskeletalsymptoms to motorcycle mechanics in PT. X Jakarta, using QEC, REBA, and NBMmethods in every process of motorcycle treatment. Based on QEC assessment, theresult showed working process of motorcycle mechanics should be investigatedfurther and changed soon. REBA assessment showed high risk level. NBMassessment showed back, waist, left shoulder, and right upper arm (70%) is the mostcommon symptoms. PT. X has provided hydraulic for each workers, but they didn?tuse it. PT. X shall make regulation to obligate workers using their hydraulic andsupervision to each workers. Then, other efforts are by redesigning work station,substituting work equipment, and training about ergonomic for workers.;The working process of motorcycle mechanics in PT. X has risk to musculoskeletalsymptoms. This research aims to describe the risk level of musculoskeletalsymptoms to motorcycle mechanics in PT. X Jakarta, using QEC, REBA, and NBMmethods in every process of motorcycle treatment. Based on QEC assessment, theresult showed working process of motorcycle mechanics should be investigatedfurther and changed soon. REBA assessment showed high risk level. NBMassessment showed back, waist, left shoulder, and right upper arm (70%) is the mostcommon symptoms. PT. X has provided hydraulic for each workers, but they didn?tuse it. PT. X shall make regulation to obligate workers using their hydraulic andsupervision to each workers. Then, other efforts are by redesigning work station,substituting work equipment, and training about ergonomic for workers., The working process of motorcycle mechanics in PT. X has risk to musculoskeletalsymptoms. This research aims to describe the risk level of musculoskeletalsymptoms to motorcycle mechanics in PT. X Jakarta, using QEC, REBA, and NBMmethods in every process of motorcycle treatment. Based on QEC assessment, theresult showed working process of motorcycle mechanics should be investigatedfurther and changed soon. REBA assessment showed high risk level. NBMassessment showed back, waist, left shoulder, and right upper arm (70%) is the mostcommon symptoms. PT. X has provided hydraulic for each workers, but they didn’tuse it. PT. X shall make regulation to obligate workers using their hydraulic andsupervision to each workers. Then, other efforts are by redesigning work station,substituting work equipment, and training about ergonomic for workers.] |