[ABSTRAK Perekonomian bangsa Indonesia pada dasarnya dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorbaik dalam skala makro maupun mikro. Kegiatan pinjam meminjam uang telahdilakukan sejak lama dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang telah mengenal uangsebagai alat pembayaran. Bank merupakan lembaga yang menyediakan dana bagimasyarakat yang membutuhkan, karena keberadaannya harus bermanfaat bagimasyarakat luas, bank juga melakukan pemberian kredit modal kerja dengantujuanya adalah untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan masyarakat khususnyadalam usaha mikro kecil dan menengah. Oleh karena itu, Penulis bertujuan untukmengetahui bagaimana proses pengikatan jaminan sebagai syarat diberikannyakredit oleh bank dan keabsahan pengikatan jaminan non fixed asset pada PT. BankM cabang Kota Tasikmalaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitianini bersifat deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Data yangdiperoleh dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif. Melalui penelitian ini, dapatdiketahui bahwa pengikatan jaminan non fixed asset dengan cara cessieseharusnya didaftarkan pada lembaga jaminan fidusia. Keabsahan pengikatanjaminan tersebut dianggap sah apabila tidak bertentangan dengan undang-undangdan kaidah dalam hukum jaminan kebendaan.ABSTRACT Basically, Indonesia?s economic matters are influenced by many factors both inmacro and micro scale. Since money known as the medium of exchange, moneylending activities had been done by public in their daily life for years. Bank is aninstitution that provides fund for those who need it. Because of its beneficialpurposes, bank also provides lending capital loan in order to increase people?sliving standards especially in micro small medium enterprises. Therefore, thisresearch is aimed to know the process of collateral binding as the requirement ofgetting credit and the validity of non fixed asset collateral binding at PT. Bank MTasikmalaya. The research method is analytic descriptive with juridical normativeapproach. The data collected are analyzed by qualitative method. By this research,it can be known that non fixed asset collateral binding using cassie is supposed tobe registered to the fiduciary collateral institution. The validity of that collateralbinding is regarded oficially if it is not contradicted with the regulations and theprinciple of collateral warranty law.;Basically, Indonesia?s economic matters are influenced by many factors both inmacro and micro scale. Since money known as the medium of exchange, moneylending activities had been done by public in their daily life for years. Bank is aninstitution that provides fund for those who need it. Because of its beneficialpurposes, bank also provides lending capital loan in order to increase people?sliving standards especially in micro small medium enterprises. Therefore, thisresearch is aimed to know the process of collateral binding as the requirement ofgetting credit and the validity of non fixed asset collateral binding at PT. Bank MTasikmalaya. The research method is analytic descriptive with juridical normativeapproach. The data collected are analyzed by qualitative method. By this research,it can be known that non fixed asset collateral binding using cassie is supposed tobe registered to the fiduciary collateral institution. The validity of that collateralbinding is regarded oficially if it is not contradicted with the regulations and theprinciple of collateral warranty law.;Basically, Indonesia?s economic matters are influenced by many factors both inmacro and micro scale. Since money known as the medium of exchange, moneylending activities had been done by public in their daily life for years. Bank is aninstitution that provides fund for those who need it. Because of its beneficialpurposes, bank also provides lending capital loan in order to increase people?sliving standards especially in micro small medium enterprises. Therefore, thisresearch is aimed to know the process of collateral binding as the requirement ofgetting credit and the validity of non fixed asset collateral binding at PT. Bank MTasikmalaya. The research method is analytic descriptive with juridical normativeapproach. The data collected are analyzed by qualitative method. By this research,it can be known that non fixed asset collateral binding using cassie is supposed tobe registered to the fiduciary collateral institution. The validity of that collateralbinding is regarded oficially if it is not contradicted with the regulations and theprinciple of collateral warranty law., Basically, Indonesia’s economic matters are influenced by many factors both inmacro and micro scale. Since money known as the medium of exchange, moneylending activities had been done by public in their daily life for years. Bank is aninstitution that provides fund for those who need it. Because of its beneficialpurposes, bank also provides lending capital loan in order to increase people’sliving standards especially in micro small medium enterprises. Therefore, thisresearch is aimed to know the process of collateral binding as the requirement ofgetting credit and the validity of non fixed asset collateral binding at PT. Bank MTasikmalaya. The research method is analytic descriptive with juridical normativeapproach. The data collected are analyzed by qualitative method. By this research,it can be known that non fixed asset collateral binding using cassie is supposed tobe registered to the fiduciary collateral institution. The validity of that collateralbinding is regarded oficially if it is not contradicted with the regulations and theprinciple of collateral warranty law.] |