[Jumlah restoran yang meningkat menyebabkan pergeseran tren, yaitu semakin banyaknya orang yang lebih memilih makan di restoran, khususnya restoran bertipe casual dining yang menawarkan pengalaman yang lebih dari hanya sekedar makan. Hal ini sejalan dengan pesatnya perkembangan media sosial, sehingga memunculkan suatu platform baru bagi pelanggan untuk menyebarkan eWOM mengenai restaurant experience. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk menganalisis atribut-atribut restaurant experience yang dapat mempengaruhi motif pelanggan dalam menyebarkan eWOM positif mengenai restoran casual dining. Data penelitian ini diolah dengan metode multiple regression. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa food quality, atmosphere, dan price fairness berpengaruh positf terhadap concern for others, sedangkan food quality, service quality, dan atmosphere berpengaruh positif pada expressing positive feelings dan helping restaurant company. The increasing number of restaurants created the shift of trend, in which more people prefer to dine in restaurants, specifically restaurants with a casual dining type that offer more experience than plain dining. This is in accordance with the rapid development of social media, resulting in a new platform for customers to spread eWOM about their restaurant experience. This study aims toanalyse the attributes of restaurant experience that can affect the motives of the customers in spreading positive eWOM on casual dining restaurants. The data are processed using the multiple regression method. Results show that food quality, atmosphere, and price fairness positively influence the concern for others, while food quality, service quality, and atmosphere positively influence theexpressing positive feelings and the helping restaurant company., The increasing number of restaurants created the shift of trend, in whichmore people prefer to dine in restaurants, specifically restaurants with a casualdining type that offer more experience than plain dining. This is in accordancewith the rapid development of social media, resulting in a new platform forcustomers to spread eWOM about their restaurant experience. This study aims toanalyse the attributes of restaurant experience that can affect the motives of thecustomers in spreading positive eWOM on casual dining restaurants. The dataare processed using the multiple regression method. Results show that foodquality, atmosphere, and price fairness positively influence the concern for others,while food quality, service quality, and atmosphere positively influence theexpressing positive feelings and the helping restaurant company.Key Words : Restaurant experience, Positive eWOM motivations, Concern forothers, Expressing positive feelings, Helping restaurant company] |