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Ambang batas hari tanpa hujan dalam kaitan kemunculan hotspots di Provinsi Riau tahun 2005 2014 = Threshold of no rainy days in relation to the hotspot appearance in Riau Province 2005 2014

Rina Muthia Harahap; Eko Kusratmoko, supervisor; Sobirin, supervisor; Aris Poniman, examiner; Tarsoen Waryono, examiner; Djoko Harmantyo, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2016)


Kebakaran hutan dan lahan merupakan permasalahan kompleks yang terjadi di
Provinsi Riau setiap tahun. Pemicunya berasal dari faktor alami dan akibat aktivitas
manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel hotspots (titik panas) sebagai
indikasi adanya kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang dihasilkan oleh sensor satelit
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) akibat kenaikan suhu
di atas 315° K atau 42°C pada luasan 1 km2. Hotspots yang tersebar diseluruh
Provinsi Riau dianalisis kepadatannya sepanjang tahun 2005 hingga 2014
menggunakan perhitungan Kernel Density. Hasilnya pola spasial kepadatan
hotspots terkonsentrasi di Kota Dumai, Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis dan
Pelalawan. Sedangkan pola temporal menunjukkan jumlah hotspots terbanyak
selama 10 tahun terjadi pada bulan Juni hingga Agustus. Kemudian sebaran
kepadatan hotspots dihubungan dengan faktor-faktor pemicu terjadinya kebakaran
yakni curah hujan bulanan, sebaran dan kedalaman gambut serta jenis penggunaan
lahan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan jumlah hotspots terbanyak tersebar pada wilayah
dengan curah hujan bulanan rendah yaitu 50 - 150 mm/bulan dan pada lahan gambut
dengan kedalaman lebih dari 4 meter (sangat dalam) serta pada jenis penggunaan
lahan perkebunan, hutan lahan basah sekunder dan semak belukar. Selanjutnya
penentuan ambang batas hari tanpa hujan sehubungan kemunculan hotspots
diperoleh melalui teknik buffering sejauh 10 km dari stasiun-stasiun pengamatan
hujan setiap hari selama bulan Juni hingga Agustus. Analisis pada setiap
kemunculan hotspots juga dikaitkan dengan kedalaman gambut dan jenis
penggunaan lahan untuk mengetahui karakteristik setiap area buffer, hasilnya
ambang batas hari tanpa hujan dalam kaitan kemunculan hotspots di Provinsi Riau
adalah 3 hari.

Land and forest fires are complex problems that occurred in the province of Riau
every year. The trigger factors comes from natural and human activities. This
research uses a variable hotspots as an indication of land and forest fires produced
by the satellite sensors NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
due to the temperature rise above 315 °K or 42° C on an area of 1 km2. The density
of hotspots are scattered throughout the province of Riau 2005 to 2014 analyzed
using Kernel Density calculations. The result patterns of spatial density of hotspots
concentrated in Dumai, Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis and Pelalawan. While the time
pattern showed the highest number of hotspots for 10 years occurred in June until
August. Then the distribution of the density of hotspots related with the factors that
trigger fires such as monthly rainfall, distribution and depth of the peatland and the
type of land use. The analysis showed the highest number of hotspots spread out on
an area with a low monthly precipitation is 50-150 mm / month and on peatlands
with a depth of more than 4 meters (very deep) as well as on the type of plantation
land use, wetlands secondary forest and shrubs. Furthermore, the determination of
threshold no rain day due to the hotspots appearance obtained through buffering
technique as far as 10 km from rain gauge stations every day during the month of
June to August. Analysis on each occurrence of hotspots is also associated with the
depth of peat and types of land use to determine the characteristics of each buffer
area, the result of the threshold of no rainy days in relation to the hotspot appearance
in Riau Province is 3 days.;Land and forest fires are complex problems that occurred in the province of Riau
every year. The trigger factors comes from natural and human activities. This
research uses a variable hotspots as an indication of land and forest fires produced
by the satellite sensors NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
due to the temperature rise above 315 °K or 42° C on an area of 1 km2. The density
of hotspots are scattered throughout the province of Riau 2005 to 2014 analyzed
using Kernel Density calculations. The result patterns of spatial density of hotspots
concentrated in Dumai, Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis and Pelalawan. While the time
pattern showed the highest number of hotspots for 10 years occurred in June until
August. Then the distribution of the density of hotspots related with the factors that
trigger fires such as monthly rainfall, distribution and depth of the peatland and the
type of land use. The analysis showed the highest number of hotspots spread out on
an area with a low monthly precipitation is 50-150 mm / month and on peatlands
with a depth of more than 4 meters (very deep) as well as on the type of plantation
land use, wetlands secondary forest and shrubs. Furthermore, the determination of
threshold no rain day due to the hotspots appearance obtained through buffering
technique as far as 10 km from rain gauge stations every day during the month of
June to August. Analysis on each occurrence of hotspots is also associated with the
depth of peat and types of land use to determine the characteristics of each buffer
area, the result of the threshold of no rainy days in relation to the hotspot appearance
in Riau Province is 3 days.;Land and forest fires are complex problems that occurred in the province of Riau
every year. The trigger factors comes from natural and human activities. This
research uses a variable hotspots as an indication of land and forest fires produced
by the satellite sensors NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
due to the temperature rise above 315 °K or 42° C on an area of 1 km2. The density
of hotspots are scattered throughout the province of Riau 2005 to 2014 analyzed
using Kernel Density calculations. The result patterns of spatial density of hotspots
concentrated in Dumai, Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis and Pelalawan. While the time
pattern showed the highest number of hotspots for 10 years occurred in June until
August. Then the distribution of the density of hotspots related with the factors that
trigger fires such as monthly rainfall, distribution and depth of the peatland and the
type of land use. The analysis showed the highest number of hotspots spread out on
an area with a low monthly precipitation is 50-150 mm / month and on peatlands
with a depth of more than 4 meters (very deep) as well as on the type of plantation
land use, wetlands secondary forest and shrubs. Furthermore, the determination of
threshold no rain day due to the hotspots appearance obtained through buffering
technique as far as 10 km from rain gauge stations every day during the month of
June to August. Analysis on each occurrence of hotspots is also associated with the
depth of peat and types of land use to determine the characteristics of each buffer
area, the result of the threshold of no rainy days in relation to the hotspot appearance
in Riau Province is 3 days.;Land and forest fires are complex problems that occurred in the province of Riau
every year. The trigger factors comes from natural and human activities. This
research uses a variable hotspots as an indication of land and forest fires produced
by the satellite sensors NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
due to the temperature rise above 315 °K or 42° C on an area of 1 km2. The density
of hotspots are scattered throughout the province of Riau 2005 to 2014 analyzed
using Kernel Density calculations. The result patterns of spatial density of hotspots
concentrated in Dumai, Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis and Pelalawan. While the time
pattern showed the highest number of hotspots for 10 years occurred in June until
August. Then the distribution of the density of hotspots related with the factors that
trigger fires such as monthly rainfall, distribution and depth of the peatland and the
type of land use. The analysis showed the highest number of hotspots spread out on
an area with a low monthly precipitation is 50-150 mm / month and on peatlands
with a depth of more than 4 meters (very deep) as well as on the type of plantation
land use, wetlands secondary forest and shrubs. Furthermore, the determination of
threshold no rain day due to the hotspots appearance obtained through buffering
technique as far as 10 km from rain gauge stations every day during the month of
June to August. Analysis on each occurrence of hotspots is also associated with the
depth of peat and types of land use to determine the characteristics of each buffer
area, the result of the threshold of no rainy days in relation to the hotspot appearance
in Riau Province is 3 days.;Land and forest fires are complex problems that occurred in the province of Riau
every year. The trigger factors comes from natural and human activities. This
research uses a variable hotspots as an indication of land and forest fires produced
by the satellite sensors NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
due to the temperature rise above 315 °K or 42° C on an area of 1 km2. The density
of hotspots are scattered throughout the province of Riau 2005 to 2014 analyzed
using Kernel Density calculations. The result patterns of spatial density of hotspots
concentrated in Dumai, Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis and Pelalawan. While the time
pattern showed the highest number of hotspots for 10 years occurred in June until
August. Then the distribution of the density of hotspots related with the factors that
trigger fires such as monthly rainfall, distribution and depth of the peatland and the
type of land use. The analysis showed the highest number of hotspots spread out on
an area with a low monthly precipitation is 50-150 mm / month and on peatlands
with a depth of more than 4 meters (very deep) as well as on the type of plantation
land use, wetlands secondary forest and shrubs. Furthermore, the determination of
threshold no rain day due to the hotspots appearance obtained through buffering
technique as far as 10 km from rain gauge stations every day during the month of
June to August. Analysis on each occurrence of hotspots is also associated with the
depth of peat and types of land use to determine the characteristics of each buffer
area, the result of the threshold of no rainy days in relation to the hotspot appearance
in Riau Province is 3 days.;Land and forest fires are complex problems that occurred in the province of Riau
every year. The trigger factors comes from natural and human activities. This
research uses a variable hotspots as an indication of land and forest fires produced
by the satellite sensors NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
due to the temperature rise above 315 °K or 42° C on an area of 1 km2. The density
of hotspots are scattered throughout the province of Riau 2005 to 2014 analyzed
using Kernel Density calculations. The result patterns of spatial density of hotspots
concentrated in Dumai, Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis and Pelalawan. While the time
pattern showed the highest number of hotspots for 10 years occurred in June until
August. Then the distribution of the density of hotspots related with the factors that
trigger fires such as monthly rainfall, distribution and depth of the peatland and the
type of land use. The analysis showed the highest number of hotspots spread out on
an area with a low monthly precipitation is 50-150 mm / month and on peatlands
with a depth of more than 4 meters (very deep) as well as on the type of plantation
land use, wetlands secondary forest and shrubs. Furthermore, the determination of
threshold no rain day due to the hotspots appearance obtained through buffering
technique as far as 10 km from rain gauge stations every day during the month of
June to August. Analysis on each occurrence of hotspots is also associated with the
depth of peat and types of land use to determine the characteristics of each buffer
area, the result of the threshold of no rainy days in relation to the hotspot appearance
in Riau Province is 3 days., Land and forest fires are complex problems that occurred in the province of Riau
every year. The trigger factors comes from natural and human activities. This
research uses a variable hotspots as an indication of land and forest fires produced
by the satellite sensors NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
due to the temperature rise above 315 °K or 42° C on an area of 1 km2. The density
of hotspots are scattered throughout the province of Riau 2005 to 2014 analyzed
using Kernel Density calculations. The result patterns of spatial density of hotspots
concentrated in Dumai, Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis and Pelalawan. While the time
pattern showed the highest number of hotspots for 10 years occurred in June until
August. Then the distribution of the density of hotspots related with the factors that
trigger fires such as monthly rainfall, distribution and depth of the peatland and the
type of land use. The analysis showed the highest number of hotspots spread out on
an area with a low monthly precipitation is 50-150 mm / month and on peatlands
with a depth of more than 4 meters (very deep) as well as on the type of plantation
land use, wetlands secondary forest and shrubs. Furthermore, the determination of
threshold no rain day due to the hotspots appearance obtained through buffering
technique as far as 10 km from rain gauge stations every day during the month of
June to August. Analysis on each occurrence of hotspots is also associated with the
depth of peat and types of land use to determine the characteristics of each buffer
area, the result of the threshold of no rainy days in relation to the hotspot appearance
in Riau Province is 3 days.]

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Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2016
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : unmediated ; computer
Tipe Carrier : volume ; online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiii, 61 pages. : illustration. ; 28 cm. + appendix.
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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