[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari determinan yang mempengaruhi pemilihantipe institusi pendidikan tinggi dengan menggunakan data Susenas tahun 2012.Variabel jenjang, beasiswa, memiliki akses internet, rasio biaya pendidikanterhadap pengeluaran rumah tangga dan biaya transportasi mempengaruhi secarasignifikan partisipan dalam memilih tipe institusi pendidikan tinggi. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa partisipan yang memiliki akses internet, penerimabeasiswa, memiliki rasio biaya pendidikan terhadap pengeluaran rumah tanggadan biaya transportasi lebih tinggi serta berjenjang Diploma memilikikecenderungan untuk memilih Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS). ABSTRACT This research aims to study the determinants influencing the selection of the typeof higher education institution using the 2012 Indonesia National Survey. Thelevel of education, usage of internet, scholarships, ratio the cost of education tothe household expenses and transportation costs significantly influenceparticipants of high education in selecting the type of higher education. Theresults showed that participants with internet access, receives scholarship, has aratio of the cost of education on household spending and higher transportationcosts has a tendency to choose Private Owned University (PTS).;This research aims to study the determinants influencing the selection of the typeof higher education institution using the 2012 Indonesia National Survey. Thelevel of education, usage of internet, scholarships, ratio the cost of education tothe household expenses and transportation costs significantly influenceparticipants of high education in selecting the type of higher education. Theresults showed that participants with internet access, receives scholarship, has aratio of the cost of education on household spending and higher transportationcosts has a tendency to choose Private Owned University (PTS)., This research aims to study the determinants influencing the selection of the typeof higher education institution using the 2012 Indonesia National Survey. Thelevel of education, usage of internet, scholarships, ratio the cost of education tothe household expenses and transportation costs significantly influenceparticipants of high education in selecting the type of higher education. Theresults showed that participants with internet access, receives scholarship, has aratio of the cost of education on household spending and higher transportationcosts has a tendency to choose Private Owned University (PTS).] |