[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi partisipasi tenaga kerja muda di sektor pertanian. Proses pengolahan data dengan menganalisis probabilitas tenaga kerja muda bekerja menggunakan modelMultinomial Logit. Dari data Susenas 2013 ditemukan bahwa probabilitas partisipasi tenaga kerja muda yang berstatus sebagai anak dan tinggal di perdesaan bekerja di sektor pertanian meningkat jika laki-laki, sudah kawin, tidaksekolah, pendidikan orang tua rendah dan bekerja di sektor pertanian. This research aims to analyze factors that affected participation of youth in agriculture. Multinomial Logit Models from Susenas in 2013 data found that theprobability of participation youth in rural agriculture is if they are male, married, no schooling, low parental education and father's who work in agriculture.;This research aims to analyze factors that affected participation of youth inagriculture. Multinomial Logit Models from Susenas in 2013 data found that theprobability of participation youth in rural agriculture is if they are male, married,no schooling, low parental education and father?s who work in agriculture., This research aims to analyze factors that affected participation of youth inagriculture. Multinomial Logit Models from Susenas in 2013 data found that theprobability of participation youth in rural agriculture is if they are male, married,no schooling, low parental education and father?s who work in agriculture.] |