[ABSTRAK Penurunan kualitas lingkungan terjadi karena kelalaian, ketidaktahuan dan tiadanya etika serta moral terhadap lingkungan. PLH penting diajarkan pada murid SD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis metode yang digunakan di Sekolah Jepang dan Sekolah Adiwiyata dalam mengajarkan PLH; dan (2) menganalisis metode yang efektif dalam mengajarkan PLH. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan diSekolah Jepang Jakarta dan Bandung; dan sekolah penerima Adiwiyata di DKI Jakarta yaitu SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, dan SDN Sungai Bambu 05 serta SDN Sungailiat 05. Responden berjumlah 72 orang guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode yang digunakan oleh guru Sekolah Jepang dan Sekolah Adiwiyata dalam mengajarkan PLH adalah metode ceramah, metode pengalaman langsung dan metode diskusi. Pemilihan metode mempertimbangkan tujuan pembelajaran, situasi dan kesiapan pengajar sendiri. Metode yang efektif digunakan untuk mengajarkan PLH di sekolah dasar Adiwiyata dan sekolah Jepang adalah metode pengalaman langsung, metode diskusi dan metode ceramah. ABSTRACT The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is asignificant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in JapaneseSchools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effectiveteaching method on environmental education. The method of this research isquantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted inJapanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyataachiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools andAdiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. Theselection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental educationused in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is asignificant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in JapaneseSchools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effectiveteaching method on environmental education. The method of this research isquantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted inJapanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyataachiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools andAdiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. Theselection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental educationused in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is asignificant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in JapaneseSchools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effectiveteaching method on environmental education. The method of this research isquantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted inJapanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyataachiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools andAdiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. Theselection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental educationused in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is asignificant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in JapaneseSchools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effectiveteaching method on environmental education. The method of this research isquantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted inJapanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyataachiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools andAdiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. Theselection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental educationused in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is asignificant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in JapaneseSchools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effectiveteaching method on environmental education. The method of this research isquantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted inJapanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyataachiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools andAdiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. Theselection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental educationused in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is asignificant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in JapaneseSchools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effectiveteaching method on environmental education. The method of this research isquantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted inJapanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyataachiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools andAdiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. Theselection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental educationused in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is asignificant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in JapaneseSchools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effectiveteaching method on environmental education. The method of this research isquantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted inJapanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyataachiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools andAdiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. Theselection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental educationused in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,discussion and lecture methods considered most effective., The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is asignificant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in JapaneseSchools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effectiveteaching method on environmental education. The method of this research isquantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted inJapanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyataachiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools andAdiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. Theselection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental educationused in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.] |