[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang model konfigurasi HRSG (Heat RecoverySteam Generation) pada PLTGU (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas Uap). Dari modelkonfigurasi HRSG, diperoleh perbandingan nilai efisiensi termal, kapasitas daya,LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity) dan nilai keekonomian dengan pendekatanNPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), PBP (Pay Back Period)dan sensitivitas keekonomian dari setiap model konfigurasi HRSG. Pengaruhtingkat tekanan HRSG 1P (one pressure), 2P (two pressure), dan 3P (three pressure)terhadap temperatur keluar turbin gas, analisi ekonomi dari perbandingan HRSG 2P,3P, dan 3PHR (three pressure with reheater), dan analisis irrevesibel untuk tigatekanan HRSG dengan pemanasan kembali dan pendinginan udara turbin gas padaPLTGU sudah diteliti. Pada penelitian ini, model konfigurasi HRSG yangdibandingkan antara lain; model konfigurasi HRSG, 1PRH, 2PRH, dan 3PRH.Model konfigurasi HRSG pada PLTGU disimulasikan dengan GateCycle Ver6.0.0.2 dengan menggunakan turbin gas siemen V94.2. Hasil penelitian yangdiperoleh antara lain; model konfigurasi HRSG 3PRH memiliki nilai efisiensitermal 5,59% lebih besar daripada model konfigurasi HRSG 1PRH dan 0,66% lebihbesar daripada model konfigurasi HRSG 2PRH, model konfigurasi HRSGmempengaruhi nilai NPV, semakin besar nilai efisiensi termal dan kapasitas dayapembangkit listrik maka nilai NPV akan semakin besar, model konfigurasi HRSG1PRH dengan interest rate 8.4% mempunyai PBP selama 8 tahun, sedangkan modelkonfigurasi HRSG 2PRH dan 3PRH mempunyai PBP selama 7 tahun, dan nilai tukarmata uang dan harga bahan bakar memiliki nilai sensitivitas yang tinggi terhadapnilai keekonomian apabila dibandingkan dengan nilai suku bunga bank dan biayainvestasi. ABSTRACTThis paper presents HRSG (heat recovery steam generation) configuration models onCCGT (Combined Cycle Power Generation). In order to get the comparison of thermalefficiency, power capacity, LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity) and the economicvalue with approach NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), PBP(Pay Back Period), and economic sensitivity of each HRSG configuration models.The influence of the HRSG 1P (one pressure), 2P (two pressure) and 3P (threepressure) with the exit turbine gas temperature, the economic analysis of thecomparison HRSG 2P, 3P, and 3PHR (three pressure with reheater), and irrevesibelanalysis of the three-pressure HRSG with reheating and cooling air to the gasturbine on CCGT have been investigated. In this paper, HRSG configuration modelswhich is compared such as; configuration of HRSG 1PRH, 2PRH, and 3PRH. HRSGconfiguration models on CCGT simulated GateCycle Ver with gas turbinesiemen V94.2. The results of this paper obtained, such as; the configuration ofHRSG 3PRH has thermal efficiency 5.59% greater than HRSG 1PRH and 0.66%greater than the HRSG 2PRH, HRSG configuration models have influence NPV,high thermal efficiency dan high power capacity shall have NPV higher than lowthermal efficiency dan low power capacity, the configuration of HRSG 1PRH withinterest rate of 8,4% has PBP for 8 years, while the HRSG 2PRH and 3PRH hasPBP for 7 years, and the sensitivity factor for currency exchange rates and fuelprices have a high sensitivity to the economic value when compared with the interestrate and the investment cost.;This paper presents HRSG (heat recovery steam generation) configuration models onCCGT (Combined Cycle Power Generation). In order to get the comparison of thermalefficiency, power capacity, LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity) and the economicvalue with approach NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), PBP(Pay Back Period), and economic sensitivity of each HRSG configuration models.The influence of the HRSG 1P (one pressure), 2P (two pressure) and 3P (threepressure) with the exit turbine gas temperature, the economic analysis of thecomparison HRSG 2P, 3P, and 3PHR (three pressure with reheater), and irrevesibelanalysis of the three-pressure HRSG with reheating and cooling air to the gasturbine on CCGT have been investigated. In this paper, HRSG configuration modelswhich is compared such as; configuration of HRSG 1PRH, 2PRH, and 3PRH. HRSGconfiguration models on CCGT simulated GateCycle Ver with gas turbinesiemen V94.2. The results of this paper obtained, such as; the configuration ofHRSG 3PRH has thermal efficiency 5.59% greater than HRSG 1PRH and 0.66%greater than the HRSG 2PRH, HRSG configuration models have influence NPV,high thermal efficiency dan high power capacity shall have NPV higher than lowthermal efficiency dan low power capacity, the configuration of HRSG 1PRH withinterest rate of 8,4% has PBP for 8 years, while the HRSG 2PRH and 3PRH hasPBP for 7 years, and the sensitivity factor for currency exchange rates and fuelprices have a high sensitivity to the economic value when compared with the interestrate and the investment cost.;This paper presents HRSG (heat recovery steam generation) configuration models onCCGT (Combined Cycle Power Generation). In order to get the comparison of thermalefficiency, power capacity, LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity) and the economicvalue with approach NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), PBP(Pay Back Period), and economic sensitivity of each HRSG configuration models.The influence of the HRSG 1P (one pressure), 2P (two pressure) and 3P (threepressure) with the exit turbine gas temperature, the economic analysis of thecomparison HRSG 2P, 3P, and 3PHR (three pressure with reheater), and irrevesibelanalysis of the three-pressure HRSG with reheating and cooling air to the gasturbine on CCGT have been investigated. In this paper, HRSG configuration modelswhich is compared such as; configuration of HRSG 1PRH, 2PRH, and 3PRH. HRSGconfiguration models on CCGT simulated GateCycle Ver with gas turbinesiemen V94.2. The results of this paper obtained, such as; the configuration ofHRSG 3PRH has thermal efficiency 5.59% greater than HRSG 1PRH and 0.66%greater than the HRSG 2PRH, HRSG configuration models have influence NPV,high thermal efficiency dan high power capacity shall have NPV higher than lowthermal efficiency dan low power capacity, the configuration of HRSG 1PRH withinterest rate of 8,4% has PBP for 8 years, while the HRSG 2PRH and 3PRH hasPBP for 7 years, and the sensitivity factor for currency exchange rates and fuelprices have a high sensitivity to the economic value when compared with the interestrate and the investment cost.;This paper presents HRSG (heat recovery steam generation) configuration models onCCGT (Combined Cycle Power Generation). In order to get the comparison of thermalefficiency, power capacity, LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity) and the economicvalue with approach NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), PBP(Pay Back Period), and economic sensitivity of each HRSG configuration models.The influence of the HRSG 1P (one pressure), 2P (two pressure) and 3P (threepressure) with the exit turbine gas temperature, the economic analysis of thecomparison HRSG 2P, 3P, and 3PHR (three pressure with reheater), and irrevesibelanalysis of the three-pressure HRSG with reheating and cooling air to the gasturbine on CCGT have been investigated. In this paper, HRSG configuration modelswhich is compared such as; configuration of HRSG 1PRH, 2PRH, and 3PRH. HRSGconfiguration models on CCGT simulated GateCycle Ver with gas turbinesiemen V94.2. The results of this paper obtained, such as; the configuration ofHRSG 3PRH has thermal efficiency 5.59% greater than HRSG 1PRH and 0.66%greater than the HRSG 2PRH, HRSG configuration models have influence NPV,high thermal efficiency dan high power capacity shall have NPV higher than lowthermal efficiency dan low power capacity, the configuration of HRSG 1PRH withinterest rate of 8,4% has PBP for 8 years, while the HRSG 2PRH and 3PRH hasPBP for 7 years, and the sensitivity factor for currency exchange rates and fuelprices have a high sensitivity to the economic value when compared with the interestrate and the investment cost., This paper presents HRSG (heat recovery steam generation) configuration models onCCGT (Combined Cycle Power Generation). In order to get the comparison of thermalefficiency, power capacity, LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity) and the economicvalue with approach NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), PBP(Pay Back Period), and economic sensitivity of each HRSG configuration models.The influence of the HRSG 1P (one pressure), 2P (two pressure) and 3P (threepressure) with the exit turbine gas temperature, the economic analysis of thecomparison HRSG 2P, 3P, and 3PHR (three pressure with reheater), and irrevesibelanalysis of the three-pressure HRSG with reheating and cooling air to the gasturbine on CCGT have been investigated. In this paper, HRSG configuration modelswhich is compared such as; configuration of HRSG 1PRH, 2PRH, and 3PRH. HRSGconfiguration models on CCGT simulated GateCycle Ver with gas turbinesiemen V94.2. The results of this paper obtained, such as; the configuration ofHRSG 3PRH has thermal efficiency 5.59% greater than HRSG 1PRH and 0.66%greater than the HRSG 2PRH, HRSG configuration models have influence NPV,high thermal efficiency dan high power capacity shall have NPV higher than lowthermal efficiency dan low power capacity, the configuration of HRSG 1PRH withinterest rate of 8,4% has PBP for 8 years, while the HRSG 2PRH and 3PRH hasPBP for 7 years, and the sensitivity factor for currency exchange rates and fuelprices have a high sensitivity to the economic value when compared with the interestrate and the investment cost.] |