[ABSTRAK Pernikahan poligami merupakan salah satu fenomena yang berkembang dimasyarakat. Berbagai penelitian terkait masalah ini mengkaji banyak aspekdiantaranya dilihat secara hukum dan sosial. Penelitian ini meneliti pengalamanpsikologis pria yang menjalani poligami, terutama dalam hal psychological wellbeingdan spiritual well-being. Penelitian ini melibatkan lima orang pria berpoligamisebagai subjeknya. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahwawancara mendalam dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa priaberpoligami cenderung memiliki psychological well-being yang tidak utuh.Sedangkan dalam hal spiritual well-being, pria berpoligami di dalam penelitian inicenderung cukup baik, terutama pada domain transendensi. ABSTRACT Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen bothlegally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoingpolygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of thisstudy is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this studyreveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being thatis not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this studytend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen bothlegally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoingpolygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of thisstudy is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this studyreveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being thatis not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this studytend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen bothlegally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoingpolygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of thisstudy is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this studyreveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being thatis not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this studytend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen bothlegally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoingpolygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of thisstudy is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this studyreveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being thatis not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this studytend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen bothlegally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoingpolygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of thisstudy is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this studyreveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being thatis not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this studytend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen bothlegally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoingpolygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of thisstudy is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this studyreveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being thatis not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this studytend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen bothlegally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoingpolygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of thisstudy is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this studyreveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being thatis not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this studytend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain., Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen bothlegally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoingpolygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of thisstudy is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this studyreveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being thatis not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this studytend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.] |