[ABSTRAK Tujuan program intervensi ini adalah untuk menciptakan perilaku mendaur ulangsampah pada siswa SMP Negeri 5 Tambun Selatan. Theory of Planned Behaviormerupakan teori yang digunakan peneliti. Hasil studi baseline menunjukkanvariabel sikap yang paling signifikan mempengaruhi intensi mendaur ulangsampah (β= 0,295, p<0,05). Intervensi dilakukan menggunakan melaluipelatihan, pesan persuasif, insentif dan manajemen komunitas. Penelitian inimenggunakan design kuasi eksperimen. Partisipan dalam intervensi adalahsiswa SMP Negeri 5 Tambun Selatan Bekasi, sejumlah 15 partisipan yangdilakukan selama 2 (dua) hari selama 6 jam per hari di lokasi SMP Negeri 5Tambun Selatan. Pengukuran dampak intervensi dilakukan dengan uji hasilpre-test dan post-test dengan uji paired samples t test menunjukkan adanyaperubahan sikap yang positif (nilai 0,839, p<0,05), membuktikan bahwa programintervensi dapat membuat perilaku pengelola sampah siswa SMP melalui mendaurulang sampah di sekolah dan terbentuknya komunitas Recycle Trash Community. ABSTRACT The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behaviorin students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is atheory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed thatthe most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste(β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasivemessages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimentaldesign. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants fromthe students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conductedover two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun.Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test andpost-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste managementbehavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school andcommunity formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behaviorin students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is atheory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed thatthe most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste(β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasivemessages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimentaldesign. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants fromthe students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conductedover two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun.Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test andpost-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste managementbehavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school andcommunity formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behaviorin students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is atheory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed thatthe most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste(β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasivemessages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimentaldesign. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants fromthe students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conductedover two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun.Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test andpost-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste managementbehavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school andcommunity formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behaviorin students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is atheory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed thatthe most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste(β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasivemessages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimentaldesign. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants fromthe students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conductedover two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun.Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test andpost-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste managementbehavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school andcommunity formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behaviorin students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is atheory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed thatthe most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste(β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasivemessages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimentaldesign. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants fromthe students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conductedover two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun.Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test andpost-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste managementbehavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school andcommunity formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behaviorin students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is atheory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed thatthe most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste(β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasivemessages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimentaldesign. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants fromthe students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conductedover two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun.Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test andpost-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste managementbehavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school andcommunity formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behaviorin students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is atheory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed thatthe most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste(β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasivemessages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimentaldesign. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants fromthe students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conductedover two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun.Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test andpost-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste managementbehavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school andcommunity formation Recycle trash community., The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behaviorin students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is atheory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed thatthe most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste(β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasivemessages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimentaldesign. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants fromthe students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conductedover two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun.Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test andpost-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste managementbehavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school andcommunity formation Recycle trash community.] |