[ABSTRAK Lesi tubular lebih sering ditemukan pada sindrom nefrotik resisten steroid (SNRS)dengan proteinuria masif, yang menyebabkan disfungsi tubulus proksimal. Cederatubular dapat pula didiagnosis dengan uji fungsi tubulus, diantaranya adalah fraksiekskresi magnesium (FE Mg) dan β2-mikroglobulin (β2M) urin. Tujuanpenelitian ini membandingkan FE Mg dan β2M urin pada SNRS dan SN sensitifsteroid (SNSS) remisi. Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan di Departemen IlmuKesehatan Anak RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, RSUD UlinBanjarmasin, RSUP Fatmawati dan RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta pada Juli sampaiDesember 2015 pada penderita SNRS dan SNSS remisi berusia 2 ? 15 tahun. Padasubyek diperiksakan kadar β2M urin dan FE Mg. Didapatkan 62 subyek yangterdiri dari 31 subyek SNRS dan 31 subyek SNSS remisi. Rerata FE Mg padaSNRS lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibandingkan SNSS remisi (p=0,0065).Median kadar β2M urin pada SNRS lebih tinggi dibandingkan SNSS remisi (p <0,001). Peningkatan kadar β2M urin lebih banyak secara bermakna pada SNRSdibandingkan SNSS (p=0,007). Dengan titik potong 1,64%, peningkatan FE Mgpada SNRS lebih banyak dibandingkan SNSS remisi (p=0,022). Simpulan: Fraksiekskresi Mg dan β2M urin pada SNRS lebih tinggi dibandingkan SNSS remisi.Terdapat perbedaan proporsi peningkatan FE Mg antara SNRS dan SNSS remisi.Proporsi peningkatan β2M urin pada SNRS lebih besar dibandingkan SNSSremisi. ABSTRACT Tubular lesions more often found in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS)with massive proteinuria, leading to proximal tubular dysfunction. Tubular injurycan also be diagnosed by tubular function test, such as fractional excretion ofmagnesium (Mg FE) and urinary β2-microglobulin (β2M). The aim of this studyis to compare the FE Mg and urinary β2M on SRNS and steroid-sensitivenephrotic syndrome (SSNS) in remission. A cross-sectional study was conductedin the Department of Pediatrics RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, RSUDUlin Banjarmasin, RSUP Fatmawati and RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta from July toDecember 2015. Children aged 2-15 years who either had SRNS or SSNS inremission were recruited. Fractional excretion of magnesium and urinary β2Mlevels were examined. There were 62 subjects consisted of 31 subjects SRNS and31 subjects SSNS in remission. The mean FE Mg on SRNS was significantlyhigher than SSNS in remission (p=0.0065). Median levels of urinary β2M onSRNS was higher than SNSS remission (p<0.001). Increased levels of urinaryβ2M was more significantly in SRNS compared to SSNS (p=0.007). With a cutoffpoint of 1.64%, an increased of FE Mg proportion on SRNS was more thanSSNS in remission (p = 0.022). Conclusion: Fractional excretion of Mg andurinary β2M on SRNS were higher than SSNS in remission. There is a differencebetween the increased of FE Mg on SRNS and SSNS in remission. The increasedof urinary β2M on SRNS was higher than SSNS in remission.;Tubular lesions more often found in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS)with massive proteinuria, leading to proximal tubular dysfunction. Tubular injurycan also be diagnosed by tubular function test, such as fractional excretion ofmagnesium (Mg FE) and urinary β2-microglobulin (β2M). The aim of this studyis to compare the FE Mg and urinary β2M on SRNS and steroid-sensitivenephrotic syndrome (SSNS) in remission. A cross-sectional study was conductedin the Department of Pediatrics RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, RSUDUlin Banjarmasin, RSUP Fatmawati and RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta from July toDecember 2015. Children aged 2-15 years who either had SRNS or SSNS inremission were recruited. Fractional excretion of magnesium and urinary β2Mlevels were examined. There were 62 subjects consisted of 31 subjects SRNS and31 subjects SSNS in remission. The mean FE Mg on SRNS was significantlyhigher than SSNS in remission (p=0.0065). Median levels of urinary β2M onSRNS was higher than SNSS remission (p<0.001). Increased levels of urinaryβ2M was more significantly in SRNS compared to SSNS (p=0.007). With a cutoffpoint of 1.64%, an increased of FE Mg proportion on SRNS was more thanSSNS in remission (p = 0.022). Conclusion: Fractional excretion of Mg andurinary β2M on SRNS were higher than SSNS in remission. There is a differencebetween the increased of FE Mg on SRNS and SSNS in remission. The increasedof urinary β2M on SRNS was higher than SSNS in remission., Tubular lesions more often found in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS)with massive proteinuria, leading to proximal tubular dysfunction. Tubular injurycan also be diagnosed by tubular function test, such as fractional excretion ofmagnesium (Mg FE) and urinary β2-microglobulin (β2M). The aim of this studyis to compare the FE Mg and urinary β2M on SRNS and steroid-sensitivenephrotic syndrome (SSNS) in remission. A cross-sectional study was conductedin the Department of Pediatrics RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, RSUDUlin Banjarmasin, RSUP Fatmawati and RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta from July toDecember 2015. Children aged 2-15 years who either had SRNS or SSNS inremission were recruited. Fractional excretion of magnesium and urinary β2Mlevels were examined. There were 62 subjects consisted of 31 subjects SRNS and31 subjects SSNS in remission. The mean FE Mg on SRNS was significantlyhigher than SSNS in remission (p=0.0065). Median levels of urinary β2M onSRNS was higher than SNSS remission (p<0.001). Increased levels of urinaryβ2M was more significantly in SRNS compared to SSNS (p=0.007). With a cutoffpoint of 1.64%, an increased of FE Mg proportion on SRNS was more thanSSNS in remission (p = 0.022). Conclusion: Fractional excretion of Mg andurinary β2M on SRNS were higher than SSNS in remission. There is a differencebetween the increased of FE Mg on SRNS and SSNS in remission. The increasedof urinary β2M on SRNS was higher than SSNS in remission.] |