ABSTRAKStudi tentang proses radikalisasi dan terorisme telah banyak dilakukan, namun studi tentang proses meninggalkan jalan teror masih sangat kurang. Untuk mengisi kekurangan itu, studi disertasi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dan mengapa para pelaku teror di Indonesia meninggalkan jalan teror. Studi disertasi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode grounded research. Lima orang mantan pelaku teror dan anggota Jamaah Islamiyah yang pernah terlibat dalam aksi terorisme dan pelatihan militer dipilih untuk menjadi subyek studi dengan kriteria yang sesuai dengan tujuan studi. Lebih dari 40 orang yang memiliki hubungan kekeluargaan, kekerabatan dan pertemanan dipilih untuk menjadi narasumber studi. Data studi dikumpulkan melalui wawancara langsung dengan subyek studi dan dianalisis dengan teknik grounded theory.Dari hasil studi diperoleh tema-tema tertentu melalui proses open coding, pengelompokan ke dalam kategori tertentu atau dikonseptualisasi menjadi relasi sosial dan meninggalkan jalan teror. Kemudian, dihasilkan teori berbasis data tentang dinamika relasi sosial dalam proses meninggalkan jalan teror.Kesimpulan studi ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaku teror di Indonesia bisa meninggalkan jalan teror, ada rasa bersalah menjadi penyebab penting meninggalkan jalan teror, ada perubahan keyakinan tentang konteks jihad tetapi jihad tetap ada di dalam pikiran subyek. Selain itu, disimpulkan bahwa ada tiga dimensi relasi sosial yang ditemukan yaitu dimensi personal, organisasi dan sosial. Relasi sosial mendorong meninggalkan jalan teror melalui evaluasi individual dan kolektif dan tindakan mengubah keyakinan tentang jihad dan outgroup. Kelemahan dan rekomendasi studi didiskusikan. ABSTRACTMany studies on the radicalization and terrorism processes have been conducted. However the study on process of leaving terrorism is still overlooked. To fill this gap, present study attempted to address the question of how and why terrorists leave terrorism in Indonesia. This research employed qualitative method with grounded theory as design and tool of analysis. Five former terrorists and members of Jamaah Islamiyah who have involved in terror action and military training were selected as respondents of the study. More than 40 people who have family relation, kindship and friendship were selected as research resources. Data were taken by direct in-depth interview and were analyzed using grounded theory technique.Through open coding process, specific themes were found and then grouped into some categories, and through selective coding process a theory on leaving terrorism was built. The theory insisted on role of dynamic of social relation in process of leaving terrorism. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that terrorists could leave terrorism, guilty feeling was one cause of leaving terrorism, and belief about jihad context could be changed although the idea of jihad could not be left.Besides, it was concluded that there were three dimensions of social relation dynamic: personal dimension, organizational dimension, and social dimension. Social relation dynamic pushed terrorists to leave terrorism through individual and collective evaluation and belief change on jihad context and outgroup attitudes. Weaknesses and recommendations of the study were further discussed. |