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Homoseksualitas di media: stereotip lelaki homoseksual dan heteroseksime dalam film "the Imitation Game" = Homosexuality in the media: homosexual men stereotypes and heterosexualization in "the Imitation Game" film

Amalia Nur Andini; Harwintha Yuhria Anjarningsih, supervisor (Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016)


Makalah ini membahas stereotip media dari pria homoseksual dan unsur heteroseksisme dalam film the Imitation Game. Sebagai film independen yang paling banyak ditonton pada tahun 2014, the Imitation Game adalah karya bertema homosexual seperti pendahulunya Will and Grace (1998-2006) dan Brokeback Mountain (2005). Penelitian menggunakan teori analisis tekstual oleh Alan McKee untuk membahas unsur mise-en-scene dan narasi. Ditemukan bahwa meskipun Alan Turing sebagai tokoh utama terlihat berlawanan dengan stereotip pria gay, beberapa ciri karakternya masih terikat kepada stereotip homoseksual di media - yaitu feminin, flamboyan, dan menjadi penjahat/ korban. Selain itu, unsur heteroseksisme yang terjadi di the Imitation Game adalah formula berulang yang juga terjadi pada Will dan Grace dan Brokeback Mountain. Walaupun komunitas LGBT telah diterima di masyarakat Amerika, media AS sendiri masih butuh waktu untuk benar-benar merepresentasikan homoseksualitas tanpa unsur hetero-normativitas.Makalah ini membahas stereotip media dari pria homoseksual dan unsur heteroseksisme dalam film the Imitation Game. Sebagai film independen yang paling banyak ditonton pada tahun 2014, the Imitation Game adalah karya bertema homosexual seperti pendahulunya Will and Grace (1998-2006) dan Brokeback Mountain (2005). Penelitian menggunakan teori analisis tekstual oleh Alan McKee untuk membahas unsur mise-en-scene dan narasi. Ditemukan bahwa meskipun Alan Turing sebagai tokoh utama terlihat berlawanan dengan stereotip pria gay, beberapa ciri karakternya masih terikat kepada stereotip homoseksual di media - yaitu feminin, flamboyan, dan menjadi penjahat/ korban. Selain itu, unsur heteroseksisme yang terjadi di the Imitation Game adalah formula berulang yang juga terjadi pada Will dan Grace dan Brokeback Mountain. Walaupun komunitas LGBT telah diterima di masyarakat Amerika, media AS sendiri masih butuh waktu untuk benar-benar merepresentasikan homoseksualitas tanpa unsur hetero-normativitas.ABSTRACT
This paper discusses the media?s stereotypes of homosexual men and heterosexualization in the Imitation Game film. As the most watched independent film in 2014, the Imitation Game is an influential homosexual-themed work following its two predecessors Will and Grace (1998-2006) and Brokeback Mountain (2005). Using textual analysis theory by Alan McKee to examine the mise-en-scenes and the narratives, this study has found that despite the seemingly non-stereotypical portrayal of Alan Turing as a gay mathematician, some of his character traits are still tied to the classical homosexual men stereotypes in the media ? the effeminate, flamboyant, and victim/villain personality. Furthermore, the heterosexualization which overvalues the relationship between a gay man and a straight woman is very prevalent in the film and diminishing the homosexual nature of the main character. The heterosexualization that happens in the Imitation Game is a repetitive formula that also occurs in Will and Grace and Brokeback Mountain. Thus, despite the society?s growing reception toward LGBT communities, the US media still has a long way to go before it could present homosexuality without overshadowing it with hetero-normativity.;This paper discusses the media?s stereotypes of homosexual men and heterosexualization in the Imitation Game film. As the most watched independent film in 2014, the Imitation Game is an influential homosexual-themed work following its two predecessors Will and Grace (1998-2006) and Brokeback Mountain (2005). Using textual analysis theory by Alan McKee to examine the mise-en-scenes and the narratives, this study has found that despite the seemingly non-stereotypical portrayal of Alan Turing as a gay mathematician, some of his character traits are still tied to the classical homosexual men stereotypes in the media ? the effeminate, flamboyant, and victim/villain personality. Furthermore, the heterosexualization which overvalues the relationship between a gay man and a straight woman is very prevalent in the film and diminishing the homosexual nature of the main character. The heterosexualization that happens in the Imitation Game is a repetitive formula that also occurs in Will and Grace and Brokeback Mountain. Thus, despite the society?s growing reception toward LGBT communities, the US media still has a long way to go before it could present homosexuality without overshadowing it with hetero-normativity.;This paper discusses the media?s stereotypes of homosexual men and heterosexualization in the Imitation Game film. As the most watched independent film in 2014, the Imitation Game is an influential homosexual-themed work following its two predecessors Will and Grace (1998-2006) and Brokeback Mountain (2005). Using textual analysis theory by Alan McKee to examine the mise-en-scenes and the narratives, this study has found that despite the seemingly non-stereotypical portrayal of Alan Turing as a gay mathematician, some of his character traits are still tied to the classical homosexual men stereotypes in the media ? the effeminate, flamboyant, and victim/villain personality. Furthermore, the heterosexualization which overvalues the relationship between a gay man and a straight woman is very prevalent in the film and diminishing the homosexual nature of the main character. The heterosexualization that happens in the Imitation Game is a repetitive formula that also occurs in Will and Grace and Brokeback Mountain. Thus, despite the society?s growing reception toward LGBT communities, the US media still has a long way to go before it could present homosexuality without overshadowing it with hetero-normativity.;This paper discusses the media?s stereotypes of homosexual men and heterosexualization in the Imitation Game film. As the most watched independent film in 2014, the Imitation Game is an influential homosexual-themed work following its two predecessors Will and Grace (1998-2006) and Brokeback Mountain (2005). Using textual analysis theory by Alan McKee to examine the mise-en-scenes and the narratives, this study has found that despite the seemingly non-stereotypical portrayal of Alan Turing as a gay mathematician, some of his character traits are still tied to the classical homosexual men stereotypes in the media ? the effeminate, flamboyant, and victim/villain personality. Furthermore, the heterosexualization which overvalues the relationship between a gay man and a straight woman is very prevalent in the film and diminishing the homosexual nature of the main character. The heterosexualization that happens in the Imitation Game is a repetitive formula that also occurs in Will and Grace and Brokeback Mountain. Thus, despite the society?s growing reception toward LGBT communities, the US media still has a long way to go before it could present homosexuality without overshadowing it with hetero-normativity.

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Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
Program Studi :
Bahasa : eng
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI eng rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : iv, 19 pages : illustration
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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