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UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja :: Kembali

Diskriminasi gender dalam Au commencement était la mer = Gender discrimination in Au commencement était la mer

Liestya Stefani; Suma Riella Rusdiarti, supervisor (Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016)


Setelah perang kemerdekaan dari Prancis (1954 ? 1962), Aljazair
mengalami perang saudara pada tahun 1990an antara agama dan pemerintah yang
menyebabkan perempuan menjadi korban dengan pembatasan aktivitas mereka.
Beberapa perempuan tidak menerima keadaan tersebut dan melakukan
emansipasi, salah satunya dengan menulis. Salah satu penulis perempuan feminis
Aljazair adalah Maïssa Bey dengan karya pertamanya, yaitu Au commencement
était la mer. Di dalam novel ini, Bey mendeskripsikan diskriminasi gender yang
dialami oleh perempuan Aljazair pada masa tersebut serta perlawanan terhadap
diskriminasi yang dilakukan oleh perempuan dan laki-laki. Melalui analisis unsur
intrinsik yang menggunakan teori struktural Roland Barthes mengenai hubungan
sintagmatik dan paradigmatik dan teori sekuen M. P. Schmitt dan Alain Viala,
ditemukan tiga bentuk diskriminasi gender dalam novel ini, yaitu stereotip,
marginalisasi, dan subordinasi. Selain itu, diketahui pula bahwa laki-laki ataupun
perempuan dapat menjadi pelaku ataupun penentang diskriminasi. Perlawanan
yang dilakukan terhadap diskriminasi gender berupa penggugatan stereotip serta
dukungan terhadap emansipasi perempuan untuk menghilangkan marginalisasi,
sedangkan subordinasi masih belum dapat dihindari karena berkaitan dengan
budaya patriarkal yang dianut oleh masyarakat. Kepala keluarga memiliki peran penting dalam diskriminasi gender ini.ABSTRACT
After the war of independence from France (1954 ? 1962), Algeria
experienced a civil war in the 1990s between religion and the government that led
to women becoming victims to restrictions on their activities. Some women did
not accept this situation and did the emancipation, by writing. One of Algerian
feminist writers is Maïssa Bey with her first work, named Au commencement était
la mer. In this novel, Bey describes gender discrimination experienced by
Algerian women in the era as well as the fight against it done by women and men.
Through analysis of the intrinsic unsure which use the structural theory of Roland
Barthes syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations and M. P. Schmitt and Alain
Viala theory of sequences, found three forms of gender discrimination in this
novel, such as stereotypes, marginalization, and subordination. In addition, also
known that men and women could be perpetrators or opposing discrimination.
The resistance to gender discriminations could be criticizing stereotypes as well as
supporting the women emancipation to eliminate marginalization, whereas
subordination still cannot be avoided because it is associated with patriarchal
culture embraced by the community. The head of family has an important role in this gender discrimination.;After the war of independence from France (1954 ? 1962), Algeria
experienced a civil war in the 1990s between religion and the government that led
to women becoming victims to restrictions on their activities. Some women did
not accept this situation and did the emancipation, by writing. One of Algerian
feminist writers is Maïssa Bey with her first work, named Au commencement était
la mer. In this novel, Bey describes gender discrimination experienced by
Algerian women in the era as well as the fight against it done by women and men.
Through analysis of the intrinsic unsure which use the structural theory of Roland
Barthes syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations and M. P. Schmitt and Alain
Viala theory of sequences, found three forms of gender discrimination in this
novel, such as stereotypes, marginalization, and subordination. In addition, also
known that men and women could be perpetrators or opposing discrimination.
The resistance to gender discriminations could be criticizing stereotypes as well as
supporting the women emancipation to eliminate marginalization, whereas
subordination still cannot be avoided because it is associated with patriarchal
culture embraced by the community. The head of family has an important role in this gender discrimination.;After the war of independence from France (1954 ? 1962), Algeria
experienced a civil war in the 1990s between religion and the government that led
to women becoming victims to restrictions on their activities. Some women did
not accept this situation and did the emancipation, by writing. One of Algerian
feminist writers is Maïssa Bey with her first work, named Au commencement était
la mer. In this novel, Bey describes gender discrimination experienced by
Algerian women in the era as well as the fight against it done by women and men.
Through analysis of the intrinsic unsure which use the structural theory of Roland
Barthes syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations and M. P. Schmitt and Alain
Viala theory of sequences, found three forms of gender discrimination in this
novel, such as stereotypes, marginalization, and subordination. In addition, also
known that men and women could be perpetrators or opposing discrimination.
The resistance to gender discriminations could be criticizing stereotypes as well as
supporting the women emancipation to eliminate marginalization, whereas
subordination still cannot be avoided because it is associated with patriarchal
culture embraced by the community. The head of family has an important role in this gender discrimination.

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No. Panggil : MK-PDF
Entri utama-Nama orang :
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Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : vii, 64 pages : illustration
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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