ABSTRAK Industri farmasi sebagai produsen produk obat memiliki peran besardalam peningkatan upaya kesehatan yaitu melalui pengadaan obat-obatan. Industrifarmasi memproduksi obat dengan berpedoman pada cara pembuatan obat yangbaik (CPOB). Industri farmasi harus memiliki minimal tiga orang apotekersebagai penanggungjawab masing-masing pada bidang pemastian mutu, produksi,dan pengawasan mutu. Tujuan praktik kerja profesi (PKP) ini supaya mahasiswaapoteker memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktisuntuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di industri farmasi dan paham penerapanCPOB. Mahasiswa apoteker di tempatkan di bagian quality assurance (QA) dan melakukan validasi metode pembersihan. Dari PKP yang dilakukan, mahasiswa PKP mendapat pengetahuan pekerjaan kefarmasian di industri farmasi,memperoleh keterampilan dalam melakukan validasi pembersihan alat, dan lebihmemahami penerapan aspek-aspek CPOB di industri farmasi. ABSTRACT The pharmaceutical industry as a manufacturer of medicinal products havea major role in improving health efforts through drugs production. Thepharmaceutical industry produces drugs by referring to good manufacturingproduct (GMP). The pharmaceutical industry must have at least three pharmacistsas a responsible in quality assurance, production and quality control. The purposeof this internship programme are to get knowledge, skills, and practical experiencein the pharmaceutical industry and to understand the application of GMP. Studentwas placed on the quality assurance (QA) and do cleaning validation. From theinternship, students gain knowledge of pharmaceutical jobs in the pharmaceuticalindustry, acquire skills in performing cleaning validation tools, and betterunderstand the application of aspects of GMP in the pharmaceutical industry.;The pharmaceutical industry as a manufacturer of medicinal products havea major role in improving health efforts through drugs production. Thepharmaceutical industry produces drugs by referring to good manufacturingproduct (GMP). The pharmaceutical industry must have at least three pharmacistsas a responsible in quality assurance, production and quality control. The purposeof this internship programme are to get knowledge, skills, and practical experiencein the pharmaceutical industry and to understand the application of GMP. Studentwas placed on the quality assurance (QA) and do cleaning validation. From theinternship, students gain knowledge of pharmaceutical jobs in the pharmaceuticalindustry, acquire skills in performing cleaning validation tools, and betterunderstand the application of aspects of GMP in the pharmaceutical industry.;The pharmaceutical industry as a manufacturer of medicinal products havea major role in improving health efforts through drugs production. Thepharmaceutical industry produces drugs by referring to good manufacturingproduct (GMP). The pharmaceutical industry must have at least three pharmacistsas a responsible in quality assurance, production and quality control. The purposeof this internship programme are to get knowledge, skills, and practical experiencein the pharmaceutical industry and to understand the application of GMP. Studentwas placed on the quality assurance (QA) and do cleaning validation. From theinternship, students gain knowledge of pharmaceutical jobs in the pharmaceuticalindustry, acquire skills in performing cleaning validation tools, and betterunderstand the application of aspects of GMP in the pharmaceutical industry. |