ABSTRAK Hemodialisis merupakan tatalaksana renal replacement yang tersering pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik stadium 5, Akses vaskular dan morbiditas sebagai akibat komplikasi akses merupakanpenyebab utama perawatan di rumah sakit. Kegagalan maturitas merupakan hambatan utamapenggunaan arteriovenous fistula. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji korelasi peaksistolik velocity arteri brakialis dan volume flow draining vein intraoperatif denganmenggunakan ultrasonografi doppler untuk memprediksi maturasi AVF. Uji statistik yangdigunakan adalah uji Mann Whitney dan uji Chi Squere. Hasil yang didapatkan tidak ditemukankorelasi antara PSV arteri brakialis dengan maturitas. Rerata nilai titik potong volume flowdraining vein intraoperatif 259,43 ml/min dan paska operatif 679,22 ± 65,36 ml/mindihubungkan dengan maturitas, ini dapat menjadi acuan menetukan perlu tidaknya melakukantindakan revisi saat intraoperatif, yang pada akhirnya diharapkan dapat menurunkan angkakegagalan maturasi AVF. ABSTRACT Hemodialisis as treatment for renal replacement often patient chronic renal disease grade 5.Vascular access for hemodialysis its associated problems is the leading cause for hospitaladmission and morbidity.Maturation failure is impeded by issues of maturation. The result fromthis study showed that correlation peak sistolik velocity brakial artery and bloodflow ratemeasured using Doppler ultrasonogaphy right creation of the brachiocephalic fistula can predictAVF maturation. Statistic analisis use Mann Whithey and Chi Squere. Result no correlation PSVwith maturation, The intraoperative Bloodflow rate 259,43 ml/min and post operative 6 week679,22 ± 65,36 ml/min, maybe used as a guide to decide whether or not a corrective procedurewas needed to repair the brachiochephalic and consequently help in reducing the rate of AVFmaturation failure.;Hemodialisis as treatment for renal replacement often patient chronic renal disease grade 5.Vascular access for hemodialysis its associated problems is the leading cause for hospitaladmission and morbidity.Maturation failure is impeded by issues of maturation. The result fromthis study showed that correlation peak sistolik velocity brakial artery and bloodflow ratemeasured using Doppler ultrasonogaphy right creation of the brachiocephalic fistula can predictAVF maturation. Statistic analisis use Mann Whithey and Chi Squere. Result no correlation PSVwith maturation, The intraoperative Bloodflow rate 259,43 ml/min and post operative 6 week679,22 ± 65,36 ml/min, maybe used as a guide to decide whether or not a corrective procedurewas needed to repair the brachiochephalic and consequently help in reducing the rate of AVFmaturation failure.;Hemodialisis as treatment for renal replacement often patient chronic renal disease grade 5.Vascular access for hemodialysis its associated problems is the leading cause for hospitaladmission and morbidity.Maturation failure is impeded by issues of maturation. The result fromthis study showed that correlation peak sistolik velocity brakial artery and bloodflow ratemeasured using Doppler ultrasonogaphy right creation of the brachiocephalic fistula can predictAVF maturation. Statistic analisis use Mann Whithey and Chi Squere. Result no correlation PSVwith maturation, The intraoperative Bloodflow rate 259,43 ml/min and post operative 6 week679,22 ± 65,36 ml/min, maybe used as a guide to decide whether or not a corrective procedurewas needed to repair the brachiochephalic and consequently help in reducing the rate of AVFmaturation failure.;Hemodialisis as treatment for renal replacement often patient chronic renal disease grade 5.Vascular access for hemodialysis its associated problems is the leading cause for hospitaladmission and morbidity.Maturation failure is impeded by issues of maturation. The result fromthis study showed that correlation peak sistolik velocity brakial artery and bloodflow ratemeasured using Doppler ultrasonogaphy right creation of the brachiocephalic fistula can predictAVF maturation. Statistic analisis use Mann Whithey and Chi Squere. Result no correlation PSVwith maturation, The intraoperative Bloodflow rate 259,43 ml/min and post operative 6 week679,22 ± 65,36 ml/min, maybe used as a guide to decide whether or not a corrective procedurewas needed to repair the brachiochephalic and consequently help in reducing the rate of AVFmaturation failure.;Hemodialisis as treatment for renal replacement often patient chronic renal disease grade 5.Vascular access for hemodialysis its associated problems is the leading cause for hospitaladmission and morbidity.Maturation failure is impeded by issues of maturation. The result fromthis study showed that correlation peak sistolik velocity brakial artery and bloodflow ratemeasured using Doppler ultrasonogaphy right creation of the brachiocephalic fistula can predictAVF maturation. Statistic analisis use Mann Whithey and Chi Squere. Result no correlation PSVwith maturation, The intraoperative Bloodflow rate 259,43 ml/min and post operative 6 week679,22 ± 65,36 ml/min, maybe used as a guide to decide whether or not a corrective procedurewas needed to repair the brachiochephalic and consequently help in reducing the rate of AVFmaturation failure.;Hemodialisis as treatment for renal replacement often patient chronic renal disease grade 5.Vascular access for hemodialysis its associated problems is the leading cause for hospitaladmission and morbidity.Maturation failure is impeded by issues of maturation. The result fromthis study showed that correlation peak sistolik velocity brakial artery and bloodflow ratemeasured using Doppler ultrasonogaphy right creation of the brachiocephalic fistula can predictAVF maturation. Statistic analisis use Mann Whithey and Chi Squere. Result no correlation PSVwith maturation, The intraoperative Bloodflow rate 259,43 ml/min and post operative 6 week679,22 ± 65,36 ml/min, maybe used as a guide to decide whether or not a corrective procedurewas needed to repair the brachiochephalic and consequently help in reducing the rate of AVFmaturation failure.;Hemodialisis as treatment for renal replacement often patient chronic renal disease grade 5.Vascular access for hemodialysis its associated problems is the leading cause for hospitaladmission and morbidity.Maturation failure is impeded by issues of maturation. The result fromthis study showed that correlation peak sistolik velocity brakial artery and bloodflow ratemeasured using Doppler ultrasonogaphy right creation of the brachiocephalic fistula can predictAVF maturation. Statistic analisis use Mann Whithey and Chi Squere. Result no correlation PSVwith maturation, The intraoperative Bloodflow rate 259,43 ml/min and post operative 6 week679,22 ± 65,36 ml/min, maybe used as a guide to decide whether or not a corrective procedurewas needed to repair the brachiochephalic and consequently help in reducing the rate of AVFmaturation failure. |