ABSTRAK Latar Belakang :Implantasi pacu jantung permanen telah menjadi prosedur umum saat ini. Tujuantindakan pemasangan pacu jantung permanen tidak lagi hanya sebatas morbiditasdan mortalitas, tetapi juga kualitas hidup. Dalam menilai kualitas hidupdibutuhkan kuesioner yang dapat merubah sesuatu yang kualitatif menjadi datakuantitatif. Kuesioner kualitas hidup yang ada saat ini belum ada yang berbahasaIndonesia. Untuk dapat digunakan dalam menilai kualitas hidup di Indonesia perluadaptasi bahasa dan budaya. Selain itu, kuesioner terjemahan tersebut harusmemiliki validitas dan reliabilitas yang baik. Metode :Studi ini adalah studi cross sectional yang terbagi dalam 2 tahap. Tahap awalberupa adaptasi bahasa dan budaya untuk dapat menghasilkan kuesioner SF-36dan Aquarel berbahasa Indonesia. Tahap akhir berupa uji validitas dan reliabilitaskuesioner SF-36 dan Kuesioner Aquarel. Subjek berjumlah 30 orang pada tahapawal, dan 20 orang pada tahap akhir. Subjek merupakan pasien dengan pacujantung permanen, yang kemudian akan dilakukan Tes Jalan 6 Menit (6MWT)dan pemeriksaan NT pro-BNP. Validitas SF-36 dinilai berdasarkan nilai korelasiKuesioner dengan pemeriksaan penunjang, dan validitas Aquarel dinilaiberdasarkan nilai korelasi kuesioner Aquarel dengan Kuesioner SF-36, dankorelasi kuesioner dengan pemeriksaan penunjang. Reliabilitas kuesioner dinilaiberdasarkan konsistensi internal dan repeatabilitas. Hasil :Kuesioner SF-36 berbahasa Indonesia memiliki korelasi positif antara 6MWTdengan domain PF (Physical Functioning) (r= 0,363; p=0,001), dan memilikikorelasi negatif antara NT Pro-BNP dengan domain GH (General Health) (r= 0,269;p = 0,020) dan MH (Mental Health) (r= -0,271; p = 0,019). KuesionerAquarel berbahasa Indonesia memiliki korelasi positif antara 6MWT dengandomain dyspneu (r=0,228; p=0,048), dan memiliki korelasi negatif antara NT proBNPdenganDomainChestDiscomfort(r=-0.231;p=0.043)danDyspneu(r=0.268;p = 0.020). Kedua kuesioner SF-36 berbahasa Indonesia (Cronbach α =0.789) dan Aquarel berbahasa Indonesia (Cronbach α = 0.728) memilikireliabilitas dan repeatabilitas yang baik. Kesimpulan :Pada proses adaptasi bahasa dan budaya tidak terdapat modifikasi yang berartipada kedua kuesioner dan dapat diterima baik oleh pasien. Kuesioner SF-36berbahasa Indonesia dan Kuesioner Aquarel berbahasa Indonesia bersifat valid dan reliable.ABSTRACT Pacemaker implantation has became common procedure in the last decades. Thegoal of our therapy was no longer about morbidity and mortality, but quality oflife. In assessing the quality of life, we need a questionnaire that can changequalitative value to quantitative value. There is no quality of life questionnaires inBahasa Indonesia, therefore we need language and cultural adaptation before wecan use it in Indonesia. Moreover the translation questionnaire must has goodvalidity and good reliability. We choose SF-36 as generic health related quality oflife (HRQoL), as it is the most popular HRQoL questionnaire. Specifically forpacemaker patients, we choose Aquarel Questionnaire. Methods :This cross sectional study was divided into 2 steps. The first step was languageand cultural adaptation to create SF-36 and Aquarel questionnaire in BahasaIndonesia. The final step was validation and reliability test of the translatedquestionnaire. The subjects were 30 people for the first step , and 20 people forthe final step. All the subject were patient with permanent pacemaker. We alsoconduct two diagnostic tests (6 Minutes Walk Test (6MWT) and NT pro-BNP).SF-36 validity was assessed by its correlation with diagnostic tests, and Aquarelvalidity was assessed by its correlation with SF-36 and with The diagnostic tests.Both questionnaire reliability assessed by its Internal consistency andrepeatability. Results :Our indonesian version of SF-36 shows positive correlation between 6MWT andPF (Physical Functioning) ( r = 0.363 ; p = 0.001) and negative correlationbetween NT Pro-BNP value with GH (General Health) (r = -0.269; p = 0.020) andMH (Mental Health) (r = -0.271; p = 0.019). Our Indonesian version of Aquarelshows positive correlation between 6MWT with Dyspneu domain ( r = 0.228 ; p =0.048 ) and shows negative correlation between NT Pro-BNP with ChestDiscomfort (r = -0.231; p = 0.043) and Dyspneu (r = -0.268; p = 0.020). Both theIndonesian SF-36 (Cronbach α = 0.789) and the Indonesian Aquarel (Cronbach α= 0.728) shows good reliability and repeatability. Conclusions :We succed doing language and cultural adaptation of SF-36 and Aquarelquestionnaire. Both Indonesian version questionnaire are valid and reliable.;Background :Pacemaker implantation has became common procedure in the last decades. Thegoal of our therapy was no longer about morbidity and mortality, but quality oflife. In assessing the quality of life, we need a questionnaire that can changequalitative value to quantitative value. There is no quality of life questionnaires inBahasa Indonesia, therefore we need language and cultural adaptation before wecan use it in Indonesia. Moreover the translation questionnaire must has goodvalidity and good reliability. We choose SF-36 as generic health related quality oflife (HRQoL), as it is the most popular HRQoL questionnaire. Specifically forpacemaker patients, we choose Aquarel Questionnaire. Methods :This cross sectional study was divided into 2 steps. The first step was languageand cultural adaptation to create SF-36 and Aquarel questionnaire in BahasaIndonesia. The final step was validation and reliability test of the translatedquestionnaire. The subjects were 30 people for the first step , and 20 people forthe final step. All the subject were patient with permanent pacemaker. We alsoconduct two diagnostic tests (6 Minutes Walk Test (6MWT) and NT pro-BNP).SF-36 validity was assessed by its correlation with diagnostic tests, and Aquarelvalidity was assessed by its correlation with SF-36 and with The diagnostic tests.Both questionnaire reliability assessed by its Internal consistency andrepeatability. Results :Our indonesian version of SF-36 shows positive correlation between 6MWT andPF (Physical Functioning) ( r = 0.363 ; p = 0.001) and negative correlationbetween NT Pro-BNP value with GH (General Health) (r = -0.269; p = 0.020) andMH (Mental Health) (r = -0.271; p = 0.019). Our Indonesian version of Aquarelshows positive correlation between 6MWT with Dyspneu domain ( r = 0.228 ; p =0.048 ) and shows negative correlation between NT Pro-BNP with ChestDiscomfort (r = -0.231; p = 0.043) and Dyspneu (r = -0.268; p = 0.020). Both theIndonesian SF-36 (Cronbach α = 0.789) and the Indonesian Aquarel (Cronbach α= 0.728) shows good reliability and repeatability. Conclusions :We succed doing language and cultural adaptation of SF-36 and Aquarelquestionnaire. Both Indonesian version questionnaire are valid and reliable.;Background :Pacemaker implantation has became common procedure in the last decades. Thegoal of our therapy was no longer about morbidity and mortality, but quality oflife. In assessing the quality of life, we need a questionnaire that can changequalitative value to quantitative value. There is no quality of life questionnaires inBahasa Indonesia, therefore we need language and cultural adaptation before wecan use it in Indonesia. Moreover the translation questionnaire must has goodvalidity and good reliability. We choose SF-36 as generic health related quality oflife (HRQoL), as it is the most popular HRQoL questionnaire. Specifically forpacemaker patients, we choose Aquarel Questionnaire. Methods :This cross sectional study was divided into 2 steps. The first step was languageand cultural adaptation to create SF-36 and Aquarel questionnaire in BahasaIndonesia. The final step was validation and reliability test of the translatedquestionnaire. The subjects were 30 people for the first step , and 20 people forthe final step. All the subject were patient with permanent pacemaker. We alsoconduct two diagnostic tests (6 Minutes Walk Test (6MWT) and NT pro-BNP).SF-36 validity was assessed by its correlation with diagnostic tests, and Aquarelvalidity was assessed by its correlation with SF-36 and with The diagnostic tests.Both questionnaire reliability assessed by its Internal consistency andrepeatability. Results :Our indonesian version of SF-36 shows positive correlation between 6MWT andPF (Physical Functioning) ( r = 0.363 ; p = 0.001) and negative correlationbetween NT Pro-BNP value with GH (General Health) (r = -0.269; p = 0.020) andMH (Mental Health) (r = -0.271; p = 0.019). Our Indonesian version of Aquarelshows positive correlation between 6MWT with Dyspneu domain ( r = 0.228 ; p =0.048 ) and shows negative correlation between NT Pro-BNP with ChestDiscomfort (r = -0.231; p = 0.043) and Dyspneu (r = -0.268; p = 0.020). Both theIndonesian SF-36 (Cronbach α = 0.789) and the Indonesian Aquarel (Cronbach α= 0.728) shows good reliability and repeatability. Conclusions :We succed doing language and cultural adaptation of SF-36 and Aquarelquestionnaire. Both Indonesian version questionnaire are valid and reliable. |