ABSTRAK Tesis ini bertujuan menilai perbandingan efektivitas injeksi intravitrealvorikonazol 100 µg/0.1 mL dengan amfoterisin B 5 µg/0.1 mL pada endoftalmitisakibat Aspergillus flavus di hewan coba kelinci. Uji eksperimental tersamar acakdilakukan pada 15 kelinci albino New Zealand white yang terbagi menjadi tigakelompok, yaitu kelompok vorikonazol, amfoterisin B, dan kontrol. Parameteryang dinilai adalah perubahan klinis, pemeriksaan mikologi, dan perubahanhistopatologi jaringan. Perubahan skor klinis di akhir evaluasi tidak berbedabermakna antara kelompok vorikonazol dengan amfoterisin B, namun respons klinis cenderung lebih baik pada kelompok vorikonazol. Jumlah koloni jamur terkecil dan berbeda bermakna didapatkan pada kelompok amfoterisin B. Tidakdidapatkan perbedaan bermakna pada rerata nilai histopatologi jaringan keduakelompok, namun derajat inflamasi cenderung lebih ringan pada kelompok vorikonazol.ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacies of intravitreal 100 µg voriconazole and 5 µg amphotericin B treatment against Aspergillus flavus in anexogenous endophthalmitis model in rabbit eyes. A randomized, controlledexperimentalstudy was conducted on 15 albino New Zealand white rabbits, which latter allocated into three differenttreatment group of voriconazole, amphotericin B, and control. Clinical grading were performed at multiple times, while mycology analysis and histopathological examination were performed at 10 daysafter treatment. No significant change in clinical grading was found between the treatment group, but voriconazole group showed better response tendency. The smallest number of fungal colony forming unit was found significantly in theamphotericin B group. No significant difference was found, however, between the mean histopathological score of the two treatment groups, but the tendency of a lower inflammation score was shown in voriconazole group. ;The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacies of intravitreal 100 µgvoriconazole and 5 µg amphotericin B treatment against Aspergillus flavus in anexogenous endophthalmitis model in rabbit eyes. A randomized, controlledexperimentalstudywasconductedon15albinoNewZealandwhiterabbits,whichlatterallocatedintothreedifferenttreatmentgroupofvoriconazole,amphotericinB,and control. Clinical grading were performed at multiple times, whilemycology analysis and histopathological examination were performed at 10 daysafter treatment. No significant change in clinical grading was found between the treatment group, but voriconazole group showed better response tendency. The smallest number of fungal colony forming unit was found significantly in theamphotericin B group. No significant difference was found, however, between themean histopathological score of the two treatment groups, but the tendency of a lower inflammation score was shown in voriconazole group. ;The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacies of intravitreal 100 µgvoriconazole and 5 µg amphotericin B treatment against Aspergillus flavus in anexogenous endophthalmitis model in rabbit eyes. A randomized, controlledexperimentalstudywasconductedon15albinoNewZealandwhiterabbits,whichlatterallocatedintothreedifferenttreatmentgroupofvoriconazole,amphotericinB,and control. Clinical grading were performed at multiple times, whilemycology analysis and histopathological examination were performed at 10 daysafter treatment. No significant change in clinical grading was found between the treatment group, but voriconazole group showed better response tendency. The smallest number of fungal colony forming unit was found significantly in theamphotericin B group. No significant difference was found, however, between themean histopathological score of the two treatment groups, but the tendency of a lower inflammation score was shown in voriconazole group. ;The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacies of intravitreal 100 µgvoriconazole and 5 µg amphotericin B treatment against Aspergillus flavus in anexogenous endophthalmitis model in rabbit eyes. A randomized, controlledexperimentalstudywasconductedon15albinoNewZealandwhiterabbits,whichlatterallocatedintothreedifferenttreatmentgroupofvoriconazole,amphotericinB,and control. Clinical grading were performed at multiple times, whilemycology analysis and histopathological examination were performed at 10 daysafter treatment. No significant change in clinical grading was found between the treatment group, but voriconazole group showed better response tendency. The smallest number of fungal colony forming unit was found significantly in theamphotericin B group. No significant difference was found, however, between themean histopathological score of the two treatment groups, but the tendency of a lower inflammation score was shown in voriconazole group. |