ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Aritmia selama perawatan merupakan komplikasi yang sering terjadi pada pasien sindrom koroner akut (SKA) sehingga dibutuhkan identifikasirisiko secara dini. Tujuan: Mengetahui insidens pasien SKA yang mengalami aritmia selamaperawatan dan mengetahui pengaruh hiperglikemia admisi terhadap kejadianaritmia selama perawatan pasien SKA. Metode: Studi kohort retrospektif ini menggunakan rekam medik pasien SKA yangdirawat di ICCU RSPUN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dalam periode 1 Januari-31Desember 2014. Hiperglikemia admisi didefinisikan sebagai kadar gula darahadmisi >140 mg/dL. Kejadian aritmia selama perawatan meliputi aritmia atrium,takikardia supraventrikular, blok AV derajat tinggi, dan aritmia ventrikel, yangdiidentifikasi dalam tujuh hari pertama perawatan. Hasil: Terdapat 232 subjek pada penelitian ini. Prevalensi hiperglikemia admisiadalah 50,43%. Insidens pasien SKA yang mengalami aritmia selama perawatanadalah 21,55% (IK 95% 16,26-26,84). Analisis bivariat menunjukkanhiperglikemia admisi terkait dengan peningkatan risiko aritmia selama perawatan(RR 1,747; IK 95% 1,042-2,930). Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antarajenis SKA, diabetes melitus (DM), obesitas, dan hipertensi dengan kejadian aritmiaselama perawatan. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan OR hiperglikemia admisisetelah penyesuaian adalah 2,852 (IK 95% 1,351-6,024), dengan variabel perancuDM. Simpulan: Insidens pasien SKA yang mengalami aritmia selama perawatan adalah21,55%. Hiperglikemia admisi dapat meningkatkan risiko kejadian aritmia selama perawatan pasien SKA.ABSTRACT Background: The in-hospital arrhythmias complicating acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a common complication, and its ealy risk identification is urgently needed. Aim: to determine the incidence of in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS andto determine the influence of HA on in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS. Methods: a retrospective cohort study was conducted using secondary data frommedical records of patients with ACS who were admitted to ICCU RSCM betweenJanuary 1st-Desember 31st, 2014. Hyperglycemia at admission was defined whenthe blood glucose level at admission was >140 mg/dL. The in-hospital arrhythmiaswere observed during the first seven days of hospitalization. Result: there were 232 subjects. The prevalence of HA WAS 50.43%. Theincidence of in-hospital arrhythmias was 21.55% (95% CI 16.26-26.84). Inbivariate analysis, there was significant association between HA and in-hospitalarrhythmia (RR 1.747; 95% CI 1.042-2.930). There were no significant relationshipamong the type of ACS, diabetes mellitus (DM), obesity, and hypertension, withthe influence of HA on in-hospital arrhythmia. In multivariate analysis, the adjustedOR of HA was 2.852 (95% CI 1.351-6.024), and DM was the confounding variable. Conclusion: In-hospital arrhythmias is a common complication in patients withACS. Hyperglycemia at admission may increase the risk of in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS. ;Background: The in-hospital arrhythmias complicating acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a common complication, and its ealy risk identification is urgently needed. Aim: to determine the incidence of in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS andto determine the influence of HA on in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS. Methods: a retrospective cohort study was conducted using secondary data frommedical records of patients with ACS who were admitted to ICCU RSCM betweenJanuary 1st-Desember 31st, 2014. Hyperglycemia at admission was defined whenthe blood glucose level at admission was >140 mg/dL. The in-hospital arrhythmiaswere observed during the first seven days of hospitalization. Result: there were 232 subjects. The prevalence of HA WAS 50.43%. Theincidence of in-hospital arrhythmias was 21.55% (95% CI 16.26-26.84). Inbivariate analysis, there was significant association between HA and in-hospitalarrhythmia (RR 1.747; 95% CI 1.042-2.930). There were no significant relationshipamong the type of ACS, diabetes mellitus (DM), obesity, and hypertension, withthe influence of HA on in-hospital arrhythmia. In multivariate analysis, the adjustedOR of HA was 2.852 (95% CI 1.351-6.024), and DM was the confounding variable. Conclusion: In-hospital arrhythmias is a common complication in patients withACS. Hyperglycemia at admission may increase the risk of in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS. |