ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui insidens retensio urin pasca rekonstruksi POP dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan.Retensio urinmerupakan komplikasi akut tindakan rekonstruksi dan banyak dijumpai padaprosedur operasi, termasuk operasi POP (POP). Untuk menghindari morbiditaslebih lanjut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui insidens rertensio urinpasca rekonstruksi POP faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kohort prospektif yang dilaksanakan diRS Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RS Fatmawati dengan mengikutsertakan wanitayang hendak mengalami rekonstruksi POP dalam rentang waktu April 2013hingga April 2015. Kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi subjek meliputi wanita denganPOP derajat 2,3 dan 4 tanpa riwayat retensio urin sebelumnya, konsumsi obatobatanyangdapat menyebabkan retensio urin dan tanpa cedera kandung kemih.Pasca rekonstruksi, subjek dilakukan pemasangan kateter urin selama 24 jam.Kemudian, enam jam pasca pelesapan kateter, dilakukan pengukuran residu urinpada kandung kemih. Retensio urin didefinisikan dengan didapatkannya residuurin >100 ml.Hasil: Dari 200 subjek, ditemukan 59 subjek (29,5%) mengalami retensio urin.Tidak ada hubungan antara faktor risiko umur, Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT),derajat POP, derajat sistokel, kejadian infeksi saluran kemih, dan durasi operasiterhadap retensio urin. Jenis prosedur total vagina hysterectomy + kolporafianterior + kolpoperineorafi + sacrospinous fixation dan durasi operasi > 130menit berhubungan dengan retensio urin dengan RR 3,66 95% IK 2,91-4,60p<0,001 dan 1,66 95%IK 1,07-2,59 p=0,02, berturut-turutKesimpulan: Insidens retensio urin cukup tinggi pasca rekonstruksi POP. Jenistindakan rekonstruksi tertentu dan semakin lamanya durasi rekonstruksiberhubungan dengan kejadian retensio urin.ABSTRACT Background: The objective of this study was to know the incidence of post operativeurinaryretention after pelvic organ prolapse surgery and associatedfactors.Post operative urinary retention (POUR) is considered as an acutecomplication after a surgey in many operative procedures, including pelvic organprolpase (POP) surgery. To avoid further morbidity, this study aimed to know theincidence of POUR after POP surgery and its risk factors. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study conducted in Cipto Mangunkusumohospital and Fatmawati Hospital from April 2013 to April 2015. Subjects werewomen who wanted to undergo POP surgery with two to four degree of POP.Subjects with history of urinary retention, drugs consumption that tend to causeurinary retention or bladder unjury were excluded. After the reconstruction,urinary catheter was placed for 24 hours. Then, after six hours, catheter wasremoved and residual urine was measured. Urinary retention was defined asresidual urine more than 100 ml. Results: Of 200 subjects recruited, 59 (29.5%) had POUR. There were noassociation between age, body mass index, degree of uterine POPe, degree ofcystocele, urinary tract infectionand POUR. Duration of surgery > 130 minute andTotal vagina hysterectomy +anterior colporraphy + colpoperineorraphy +sacrospinous fixation procedure and duration of surgery > 130 minute were associated with POUR (RR 3.66, 2.91-4.60 95% CI, p<0.001 and 1.66 , 072.5995%CI,p=0.02;respectively)Conclusion: POUR incidence after POP surgery was quite high. Type of theprocedure and duration of surgery were associated with POUR.;Background: The objective of this study was to know the incidence of post operativeurinaryretention after pelvic organ prolapse surgery and associatedfactors.Post operative urinary retention (POUR) is considered as an acutecomplication after a surgey in many operative procedures, including pelvic organprolpase (POP) surgery. To avoid further morbidity, this study aimed to know theincidence of POUR after POP surgery and its risk factors. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study conducted in Cipto Mangunkusumohospital and Fatmawati Hospital from April 2013 to April 2015. Subjects werewomen who wanted to undergo POP surgery with two to four degree of POP.Subjects with history of urinary retention, drugs consumption that tend to causeurinary retention or bladder unjury were excluded. After the reconstruction,urinary catheter was placed for 24 hours. Then, after six hours, catheter wasremoved and residual urine was measured. Urinary retention was defined asresidual urine more than 100 ml. Results: Of 200 subjects recruited, 59 (29.5%) had POUR. There were noassociation between age, body mass index, degree of uterine POPe, degree ofcystocele, urinary tract infectionand POUR. Duration of surgery > 130 minute andTotal vagina hysterectomy +anterior colporraphy + colpoperineorraphy +sacrospinous fixation procedure and duration of surgery > 130 minute were associated with POUR (RR 3.66, 2.91-4.60 95% CI, p<0.001 and 1.66 , 072.5995%CI,p=0.02;respectively)Conclusion: POUR incidence after POP surgery was quite high. Type of theprocedure and duration of surgery were associated with POUR.;Background: The objective of this study was to know the incidence of post operativeurinaryretention after pelvic organ prolapse surgery and associatedfactors.Post operative urinary retention (POUR) is considered as an acutecomplication after a surgey in many operative procedures, including pelvic organprolpase (POP) surgery. To avoid further morbidity, this study aimed to know theincidence of POUR after POP surgery and its risk factors. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study conducted in Cipto Mangunkusumohospital and Fatmawati Hospital from April 2013 to April 2015. Subjects werewomen who wanted to undergo POP surgery with two to four degree of POP.Subjects with history of urinary retention, drugs consumption that tend to causeurinary retention or bladder unjury were excluded. After the reconstruction,urinary catheter was placed for 24 hours. Then, after six hours, catheter wasremoved and residual urine was measured. Urinary retention was defined asresidual urine more than 100 ml. Results: Of 200 subjects recruited, 59 (29.5%) had POUR. There were noassociation between age, body mass index, degree of uterine POPe, degree ofcystocele, urinary tract infectionand POUR. Duration of surgery > 130 minute andTotal vagina hysterectomy +anterior colporraphy + colpoperineorraphy +sacrospinous fixation procedure and duration of surgery > 130 minute were associated with POUR (RR 3.66, 2.91-4.60 95% CI, p<0.001 and 1.66 , 072.5995%CI,p=0.02;respectively)Conclusion: POUR incidence after POP surgery was quite high. Type of theprocedure and duration of surgery were associated with POUR. |