ABSTRAK Perilaku keselamatan kerja pada pekerja Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM)khususnya pengolahan kayu di Indonesia masih kurang baik, ditandai dengan masih tingginyaangka disabilitas akibat kecelakaan kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahui dandiperolehnya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku keselamatan kerja pada pekerjaUMKM pengolahan kayu. Studi kualitatif menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan kelompok diskusi terfokus denganpedoman wawancara semi-struktur pendekatan teori Green di 2 perusahaan informalpengolahan kayu. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan pada 2 orang bagian manajemen, 2 orangmandor, 4 orang pekerja. Kelompok diskusi terfokus dilakukan pada 2 kelompok dengan 5orang pekerja di setiap kelompok. Pekerja pengolahan kayu memiliki persepsi yang cukup baik mengenai perilaku keselamatankerja hal ini dikarenakan memiliki pengalaman bekerja cukup lama meskipun berlatarbelakang pendidikan rendah. Sikap dan perilaku yang belum mencerminkan perilakukeselamatan kerja dipengaruhi motivasi, minat, role model, kesiapan, kebijakan danpengawasan yang masih kurang. Mandor masih kurang ketat bertindak sebagai role modeldan melakukan pengawasan terhadap pekerja di lapangan. Manajemen perusahaan sudahmelakukan penyediaan sarana dan prasarana sesuai standar tetapi tidak diikuti oleh adanyakebijakan, peraturan, pelatihan serta reward dan punishment. Persepsi baik berperilaku keselamatan kerja pada pekerja pengolahan kayu dalam mencegahkecelakaan kerja dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan, pengalaman dan sarana prasarana standaryang cukup baik. Tetapi kurangnya motivasi, minat, contoh teladan, kesiapan danpengawasan mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku keselamatan kerja yang kurang baik.Manajemen dan mandor yang kurang menerapkan kebijakan, peraturan, pelatihan, rewarddan punishment juga mempengaruhi perilaku keselamatan kerja bagi para pekerja pengolahankayu.ABSTRACT Workers in MSME lack good safety behavior specially carpenters in Indonesia, marked by ahigh incidence of disability caused by occupational accidents. The aim of this study is to identify influencing factors to workers?s safety behavior of carpenter in the micro, small andmedium enterprises (MSME). A Qualitative study was conducted using in-depth interviews and focus group discussion withsemi-structured guidelines from Green theory, conducted in 2 MSME carpenter industry. Indepthinterviews involving 2 management staffs, 2 supervisors and 4 carpenters. Focusgroup discussion was conducted with 2 groups, each consisting of 5 carpenters in . Adequacy of good safety behavior perceptions was found, due to carpenter?s long experience,although they have low educational level. Carpenter?s attitude and behavior did not complywith safe behavior, influenced by lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness, policyand supervision. Supervisors were not regarded as role models and are weak in supervision.Management already provides standar infrastructure and facilities, but lack of policy,regulation, training also reward and punishment system. The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) carpenter?s good perceptions tooccupational accident prevention influenced by knowledge, experience and standardinfrastructure and facilities, but Carpenters?s lack of motivation, interest, role model,readiness and supervision influenced low attitude and lack of safety behavior.Managementand supervisor?s also fail to support carpenter?s safety behavior by not implementing policy,regulation, training, reward and punishment system.;Workers in MSME lack good safety behavior specially carpenters in Indonesia, marked by ahigh incidence of disability caused by occupational accidents. The aim of this study is to identify influencing factors to workers?s safety behavior of carpenter in the micro, small andmedium enterprises (MSME). A Qualitative study was conducted using in-depth interviews and focus group discussion withsemi-structured guidelines from Green theory, conducted in 2 MSME carpenter industry. Indepthinterviews involving 2 management staffs, 2 supervisors and 4 carpenters. Focusgroup discussion was conducted with 2 groups, each consisting of 5 carpenters in . Adequacy of good safety behavior perceptions was found, due to carpenter?s long experience,although they have low educational level. Carpenter?s attitude and behavior did not complywith safe behavior, influenced by lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness, policyand supervision. Supervisors were not regarded as role models and are weak in supervision.Management already provides standar infrastructure and facilities, but lack of policy,regulation, training also reward and punishment system. The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) carpenter?s good perceptions tooccupational accident prevention influenced by knowledge, experience and standardinfrastructure and facilities, but Carpenters?s lack of motivation, interest, role model,readiness and supervision influenced low attitude and lack of safety behavior.Managementand supervisor?s also fail to support carpenter?s safety behavior by not implementing policy,regulation, training, reward and punishment system.;Workers in MSME lack good safety behavior specially carpenters in Indonesia, marked by ahigh incidence of disability caused by occupational accidents. The aim of this study is to identify influencing factors to workers?s safety behavior of carpenter in the micro, small andmedium enterprises (MSME). A Qualitative study was conducted using in-depth interviews and focus group discussion withsemi-structured guidelines from Green theory, conducted in 2 MSME carpenter industry. Indepthinterviews involving 2 management staffs, 2 supervisors and 4 carpenters. Focusgroup discussion was conducted with 2 groups, each consisting of 5 carpenters in . Adequacy of good safety behavior perceptions was found, due to carpenter?s long experience,although they have low educational level. Carpenter?s attitude and behavior did not complywith safe behavior, influenced by lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness, policyand supervision. Supervisors were not regarded as role models and are weak in supervision.Management already provides standar infrastructure and facilities, but lack of policy,regulation, training also reward and punishment system. The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) carpenter?s good perceptions tooccupational accident prevention influenced by knowledge, experience and standardinfrastructure and facilities, but Carpenters?s lack of motivation, interest, role model,readiness and supervision influenced low attitude and lack of safety behavior.Managementand supervisor?s also fail to support carpenter?s safety behavior by not implementing policy,regulation, training, reward and punishment system. |