ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: dahak BTA mikroskopik adalah teknik diagnostik cepat yang palingbanyak digunakan untuk mendiagnosis TB paru. Di RSUP Persahabatan, pemeriksaandahak BTA mikroskopik membutuhkan tiga pemeriksaan sampel dahak lebih dari duahari, (sewaktu pertama, pagi, sewaktu kedua). Pengambilan dua sampel dahak akanmengurangi waktu, uang dan beban kerja laboratorium mikrobiologiTujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitaspemeriksaan dahak BTA mikroskopik dari tiga bahan pemeriksaan dahak dan duabahan pemeriksaan dahak.Metode: Kami secara acak mengumpulkan data demografi dan hasil laboratorium (hasildahak BTA dan hasil biakan M.tuberculosis) dari pasien terduga TB kasus baru di RSUPPersahabatan dari data bulan Januari 2012 hingga Desember 2013. Subjek harus berusiaminimal 15 tahun dan bukan pasien TB MDR dan bukan pasien HIVHasil: Dari 360 pasien terduga TB paru, sebanyak 210/360 (58,3%) memiliki hasilbiakan M. tuberculosis positif. Sensitivitas 100% dan spesifisitas 69.2% pada hasilpemeriksaan BTA mikroskopik tiga kali (S1, P, S2) dan hasil pemeriksaan BTAmikroskopik dua kali sensitivitasnya 89.8% dan spesifisitas 94.1%. Kesimpulan: Hasil pemeriksaan dahak BTA mikroskopik 2 kali pemeriksaan memberikan spesifisitas yang lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan hasil pemeriksaan3 kali dahak BTA mikroskopik dan memiliki sensitivitas yang masih cukup tinggi.ABSTRACT Background: Sputum smear microscopy is the rapid diagnostic technique that mostwidely used for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis. In Persahabatan hospital, sputumsmear microscopy requires three sputum sample examinations over two days, (spot1,morning, spot2). Collection of two sputum samples would reduce time, money andwork load of microbiology laboratory.Objectives: This study aimed to get sensitivity and specificity of sputum smearmicroscopy from three sputum samples collection and two sputum samples collection.Methods: We randomly collected demography and laboratory data (sputum smear andM.tuberculosis culture result) of presumptive TB new cases in Persahabatan hospitalfrom January 2012 to Desember 2013. Subjects must be 15 years old minimum, nonmultidrug-resistant TB presumptive and have non reactive HIV status.Results: Of 360 presumptive TB patients, 58.3% have M.tuberculosis positive cultureresults. Senstivity and specificity of sputum smear microscopy from three sputumsamples collection (S1, M, S2) are 100% and 69.2%. Smear microscopy of two samplescollection Sensitivity and specificity sputum smear microscopy 89.8% and 94.1%. Conclusion: Sputum smear microscopy test result from 2 sputum collections gives increase specificity compared to smear microscopy of 3 samples and have highly sensitivity.;Background: Sputum smear microscopy is the rapid diagnostic technique that mostwidely used for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis. In Persahabatan hospital, sputumsmear microscopy requires three sputum sample examinations over two days, (spot1,morning, spot2). Collection of two sputum samples would reduce time, money andwork load of microbiology laboratory.Objectives: This study aimed to get sensitivity and specificity of sputum smearmicroscopy from three sputum samples collection and two sputum samples collection.Methods: We randomly collected demography and laboratory data (sputum smear andM.tuberculosis culture result) of presumptive TB new cases in Persahabatan hospitalfrom January 2012 to Desember 2013. Subjects must be 15 years old minimum, nonmultidrug-resistant TB presumptive and have non reactive HIV status.Results: Of 360 presumptive TB patients, 58.3% have M.tuberculosis positive cultureresults. Senstivity and specificity of sputum smear microscopy from three sputumsamples collection (S1, M, S2) are 100% and 69.2%. Smear microscopy of two samplescollection Sensitivity and specificity sputum smear microscopy 89.8% and 94.1%. Conclusion: Sputum smear microscopy test result from 2 sputum collections gives increase specificity compared to smear microscopy of 3 samples and have highly sensitivity.;Background: Sputum smear microscopy is the rapid diagnostic technique that mostwidely used for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis. In Persahabatan hospital, sputumsmear microscopy requires three sputum sample examinations over two days, (spot1,morning, spot2). Collection of two sputum samples would reduce time, money andwork load of microbiology laboratory.Objectives: This study aimed to get sensitivity and specificity of sputum smearmicroscopy from three sputum samples collection and two sputum samples collection.Methods: We randomly collected demography and laboratory data (sputum smear andM.tuberculosis culture result) of presumptive TB new cases in Persahabatan hospitalfrom January 2012 to Desember 2013. Subjects must be 15 years old minimum, nonmultidrug-resistant TB presumptive and have non reactive HIV status.Results: Of 360 presumptive TB patients, 58.3% have M.tuberculosis positive cultureresults. Senstivity and specificity of sputum smear microscopy from three sputumsamples collection (S1, M, S2) are 100% and 69.2%. Smear microscopy of two samplescollection Sensitivity and specificity sputum smear microscopy 89.8% and 94.1%. Conclusion: Sputum smear microscopy test result from 2 sputum collections gives increase specificity compared to smear microscopy of 3 samples and have highly sensitivity. |