ABSTRAK Latar belakang. Infeksi human papillomavirus (HPV) pada genital laki-laki selain dapatmenyebabkan kutil kelamin dan kanker penis juga meningkatkan risiko infeksi HPV padapasangan. Walaupun saat ini telah terdapat banyak penelitian mengenai peran HPV risikotinggi terhadap karsinogenesis serviks dan semakin jelas peran laki-laki sebagai vektor virusHPV, namun pemeriksaan HPV pada laki-laki belum rutin dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuanmengetahui proporsi kepositivan, variasi genotipe HPV pada suami pasien kanker serviksserta kesamaan genotipe HPV antara suami pasien kanker serviks yang HPV positif denganpasien kanker serviks di RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode. Penelitian potonglintang. Pemilihan SP dilakukan secara berurutan (consecutive sampling). Sampel diambildengan menggunakan kertas amplas dan dacron swab. Pada spesimen dilakukan pemeriksaanmenggunakan HPV express matrix Kalgen®. Hasil. Sebanyak 47 SP dilibatkan dalampenelitian ini, dengan rerata usia 50,7+10,6 tahun. Dari analisis spesimen diidentifikasi HPVgenital pada 9 (19%) SP, terdiri atas genotipe risiko rendah (3 SP) dan risiko tinggi (6 SP).Genotipe HPV yang ditemukan adalah 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56, dengan tipe terseringadalah 18 dan 43. Tidak didapatkan kesamaan tipe HPV di antara pasangan HPV yangpositif. Kesimpulan. Proporsi kepositivan HPV pada suami pasien kanker serviks sebesar19% dengan tipe 18 dan 43 paling banyak didapatkan, namun tidak didapatkan kesamaan tipe HPV antara SP dengan pasien kanker serviks pasangannya.ABSTRACT Background. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on male genital could cause genitalwarts, penile cancer, but also increase the risk of HPV infection in their spouse. Despitemany current researches on role of high-risk HPV in cervix carcinogenesis and male partner?srole as HPV vector is well known, HPV examination on male is not yet routinely performed.The aim of this study is to find the positivity proportion and genotype variant of HPV oncervical cancer patient?s spouse, and also the genotype concordance between the spouse withHPV positive and the cervical cancer patient at dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Method.Cross-sectional design. Subject was chosen consecutively (consecutive sampling). Samplewas collected with emery paper and dacron swab. The specimen was then analyzed with HPVexpress matrix Kalgen®. Result. Fourty seven subject enrolled in this studi with mean age50,7+10,6 y.o. Specimen analysis identified genital HPV on 9 (19%) subject, with low risk (3subject) and high risk (6 subject) genotype. HPV genotypes found in this study are 6, 18, 31,39, 43, 53, dan 56, with 18 and 43 as the most frequent. No genotype concordance foundbetween the cervical cancer patient?s spouse with HPV positive and their partners. HPVgenotypes variation found on cervical cancer?s spouses are type 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56.Conclusion. The positivity proportion of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse was 19%,with genotype 18 and 43 as the most frequent with no HPV genotype concordance found between subjects and the spouse.;Background. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on male genital could cause genitalwarts, penile cancer, but also increase the risk of HPV infection in their spouse. Despitemany current researches on role of high-risk HPV in cervix carcinogenesis and male partner?srole as HPV vector is well known, HPV examination on male is not yet routinely performed.The aim of this study is to find the positivity proportion and genotype variant of HPV oncervical cancer patient?s spouse, and also the genotype concordance between the spouse withHPV positive and the cervical cancer patient at dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Method.Cross-sectional design. Subject was chosen consecutively (consecutive sampling). Samplewas collected with emery paper and dacron swab. The specimen was then analyzed with HPVexpress matrix Kalgen®. Result. Fourty seven subject enrolled in this studi with mean age50,7+10,6 y.o. Specimen analysis identified genital HPV on 9 (19%) subject, with low risk (3subject) and high risk (6 subject) genotype. HPV genotypes found in this study are 6, 18, 31,39, 43, 53, dan 56, with 18 and 43 as the most frequent. No genotype concordance foundbetween the cervical cancer patient?s spouse with HPV positive and their partners. HPVgenotypes variation found on cervical cancer?s spouses are type 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56.Conclusion. The positivity proportion of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse was 19%,with genotype 18 and 43 as the most frequent with no HPV genotype concordance found between subjects and the spouse.;Background. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on male genital could cause genitalwarts, penile cancer, but also increase the risk of HPV infection in their spouse. Despitemany current researches on role of high-risk HPV in cervix carcinogenesis and male partner?srole as HPV vector is well known, HPV examination on male is not yet routinely performed.The aim of this study is to find the positivity proportion and genotype variant of HPV oncervical cancer patient?s spouse, and also the genotype concordance between the spouse withHPV positive and the cervical cancer patient at dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Method.Cross-sectional design. Subject was chosen consecutively (consecutive sampling). Samplewas collected with emery paper and dacron swab. The specimen was then analyzed with HPVexpress matrix Kalgen®. Result. Fourty seven subject enrolled in this studi with mean age50,7+10,6 y.o. Specimen analysis identified genital HPV on 9 (19%) subject, with low risk (3subject) and high risk (6 subject) genotype. HPV genotypes found in this study are 6, 18, 31,39, 43, 53, dan 56, with 18 and 43 as the most frequent. No genotype concordance foundbetween the cervical cancer patient?s spouse with HPV positive and their partners. HPVgenotypes variation found on cervical cancer?s spouses are type 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56.Conclusion. The positivity proportion of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse was 19%,with genotype 18 and 43 as the most frequent with no HPV genotype concordance found between subjects and the spouse. |