This dissertation is about nagari reconstruction in a Malalo community seen from contestation and powerrelation perspectives. Specifically, it is about the people of Malalo Singkarak, West Sumatra whoperceive, interpret, and respond to reality in which they live, and their manifestations in the reconstructionuf nr;rgcrri in the momentum of regional autonomy policy. It focuses on the people strategies created anddeveloped inwardly and outwardly their l‘vlalalo’s social organization in forms of accommodation as wellas resistance, and involves various interests of the parts.Back to nagorf means back to their imagined identity, ada! and Islam. The adat and religious leadersconsidered that adat and Islam had been marginalized and ignored during village government era. In theera, they did not have power and authority to run local government and make decision along with thedegradation of their charisma in the community. But, in iragari era they have had golden opportunity toget back their power, influence and authority in making local government policy.This dissertation has gotten significant influences from previous main researches such as Scott (1985),Abu-Lughod (1990), and Tsing (1999). I have been much influenced by Scott’s symbolic obedience andresistance, accommodation and resistance in the same time in temts of various interests. “One is insideand outside the state in the same time", Tsing said. Abu-Lughod has influencd me in her resistance arenaconcept. l applied qualitative approach (Hammersley and Atkinson 1983) in this case study. Datacollecting was conducted through in-depth interviews and participation- observations.This dissertation shows that reconstructing process involves contestation, negotiation, and compromisesindicated through the local leaders’ strategies - accommodating or resisting - in confronting with varioussituations among themselves as well as with State. The local elites are adat leaders, as well as religious orlocal government leaders at the same time. It was sometimes hard to make separate those three one toeach other. The local elites are the linkage between local people and the State. On one hand they havedeveloped political issues through manipulating adat and religious doctrines, but on the other hand theyneed state rhetoric to establish their authorities But, the elites are not solid, homogeneous groups withoutfrictions or conflicts. Accommodation and resistance have occurred at the crossing area of the local elitesthemselves, and between them and the State.In this research nagarf is read as one that contested to, struggled for, debated on, and utilized withpolitical interests. Some of the old features of the adat have been left away but some new things came upthrough negotiation process between the local people and the States interests. lt is therefore nagari is nota static, but dynamic construct in facing with concrete situations of interests. lt is the process ofnegotiation and bargaining, interpretation and re-interpretation, and giving meaning that is calledcontestation in this dissertation.My approach in this dissertation is close to Tsin (1999), Scott (1985), and Abu-Lughod (1990). lt isrelevant with Scott’s symbolic obedience and resistance concepts. The different from Scott’s is that the... |