Efikasi Pasta Gigi yang Mengandung Nano Kalsium dalam Memperbaiki Karies Dini. Menyikat gigi dengan pasta gigi adalah cara mekanis yang paling efektif dalam menghilangkan plak, mencegah karies gigi dan memperbaiki karies dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektifitas pasta gigi yang mengandung nano kalsium sebagai komponen aktif untuk memperbaiki karies dini dalam dua minggu. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain double-blind randomized parallel group clinical trial. Delapan belas orang secara acak diberikan pasta gigi yang diuji, dan delapan belas lainnya diberikan pasta gigi kontrol. Pengukuran karies dini dilakukan dengan menggunakan DIAGNOdent Pen pada saat sebelum dan sesudah dua minggu pemakaian pasta giginya. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pasta gigi uji secara signifikan efektif dalam memperbaiki karies dini dalam jangka waktu dua minggu, dibandingkan dengan pasta gigi kontrol. Pasta gigi yang mengandung nano-calcium memiliki potensi yang tinggi dalam mempercepat penyembuhan dari karies dini. Brushing teeth with toothpaste is the most effective method of removing plaque, preventing dental caries and repairing early caries. This research aims to conduct an efficacy test of toothpaste containing nano calcium as an active ingredient in repairing early caries over two weeks. A double-blind randomized parallel group clinical trial was conducted. Eighteen people were randomly assigned to use the test toothpaste, and eighteen others were assigned to use the control toothpaste. Assessments of early caries with DIAGNOdent Pen were performed before and after two weeks of toothpaste use. The results showed that the test toothpaste was more effective in repairing early caries over two weeks than the control toothpaste. Toothpaste containing nano-calcium has the potential to accelerate the healing of early dental caries.;Brushing teeth with toothpaste is the most effective method of removing plaque, preventing dental caries and repairing early caries. This research aims to conduct an efficacy test of toothpaste containing nano calcium as an active ingredient in repairing early caries over two weeks. A double-blind randomized parallel group clinical trial was conducted. Eighteen people were randomly assigned to use the test toothpaste, and eighteen others were assigned to use the control toothpaste. Assessments of early caries with DIAGNOdent Pen were performed before and after two weeks of toothpaste use. The results showed that the test toothpaste was more effective in repairing early caries over two weeks than the control toothpaste. Toothpaste containing nano-calcium has the potential to accelerate the healing of early dental caries. |