In the welfare state conception, the duties of government was also had responsibility to talking care a public needs or to talking care a social welfare. To run away that duty, the government had competence to involve in social live, in a permitted limitation by law. To run that function, the government had completency in a legislation side together. Government also using the regulation as tool make a law regulations both in an order law and in a determination. To run a autonomy system, there are some functions and competency from decentralization system implement by the region district government. That would need a problem when the local act product was not in same way with the state act. The monitoring to local act is repressive monitoring. The repressive monitoring is a controlling in a specific way an in a certain period. Beside that, the material also handle by Mahkamah Agung as a juridical institution, through the juridical review. Juridical review based on the substance of the lower act (by the hierarchy of the act number 10 of 2005). When the monitoring to decision of article 1:3 Act of PTUN, could be proposed by public an objection to person or department concern or through by PTUN institution. |