ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mepengaruhi perilaku kepatuhanpeserta mandiri dalam melakukan pembayaran iuran BPJS Kesehatan di Kantor LayananOperasional Kabupaten Bogor Tahun 2016 berdasarkan faktor peredisposi, faktor pendukung,faktor pendorong. Hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa umur responden terbanyak baikyang tidak patuh bayar iuran maupun patuh iuran adalah 25-35 juta, dengan mayoritasperempuan, berpendidikan SMA, kelas perawatan yang dipilih kelas 1, lama menjadi pesertaBPJS Kesehatan > 6 bulan, dan mempunyai penghasilan keluarga kurang dari 3 juta. Dari hasilanalisis fasilitas pembayaran mayoritas melakukan pembayaran melalui ATM dengan waktutempuh dari rumah ke tempat pembayaran kurang dari 15 menit. Mereka mayoritas mengetahuiinformasi cara pembayaran melalui saudara/kerabat dekat yang menurut mereka kejelasaninformasi yang diberikan cukup jelas. Diharapkan BPJS Kesehatan Kantor Layanan OperasionalKabupaten Bogor meningkatkan monitoring dan evaluasi penatalaksanaan dan pengendalianmutu layanan ke peserta ABSTRACT Because the fee is one of the important factors for the success of BPJS in running a social security system. The willingness and the inability of independent participants in terms of paying dues regularly is one of the obstacles to support the implementation of the social security system properly. Awareness pay dues to foster an attitude submissive, obedient and disciplined and kepeduliaan and awareness of participants in paying for health insurance. This research was conducted with a quantitative design, using data collection techniques include questionnaires, and review documents. The results were obtained information that the age of most respondents either did not obey and dutifully pay dues dues is 25-35 million, with the majority of women, educated high school, nursing class who have grade 1, long a participant BPJS> 6 months, and have a family income less than 3 million. From the analysis of the majority of the payment facility to make payments via ATM with travel time from home to the place of payment is less than 15 minutes. They know the majority of payment information through relatives / close relatives who they think the clarity of the information provided is quite clear. Expected BPJS Health Operations Services Office Bogor Regency improve the monitoring and evaluation of management and quality control services to the participants. |