ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana fenomena investmentinefficiency yang terjadi pada pasar Indonesia terkait masalah financial constraintsdan agency costs yang melanda perusahaan-perusahaan publik di Indonesia.Menggunakan data panel dari perusahaan terdaftar di Indonesia pada periode2006-2015, ditemukan bukti kuat adanya investment inefficiency, yang dapatdijelaskan oleh keberadaan financial constraints dan agency costs padaperusahaan-perusahaan dalam indek Kompas 100 kategori Februari-Juli 2016.Secara spesifik, ditemukan bahwa perusahaan dengan arus kas di bawah (atas)level optimal cenderung untuk under- (over-) invest sebagai konsekuensi darifinancial constraints (agency costs). Lebih jauh, dengan berfokus pada perusahaanunder-investment, ditemukan bahwa sensitivitas abnormal investment ? free cashflow meningkat menggunakan proksi pengukuran terhadap financial constraints.Dan dengan berfokus pada perusahaan over-investment, ditemukan bahwasensitivitas abnormal investment ? free cash flow meningkat menggunakan proksipengukuran terhadap agency costs. ABSTRACT This study aims to determine how the investment inefficiency phenomenon thatoccurs in the Indonesian market related issues financial constraints and agencycosts faced by public companies in Indonesia. Using panel data of listedcompanies in Indonesia in the period 2006-2015, this study found strong evidenceof the investment inefficiency, which can be explained by the existence offinancial constraints and agency costs on companies in the Kompas 100 indexcategories from February to July 2016. Specifically, it was found that companieswith cash flow below (above) the optimal level tend to under- (over-) invest as aconsequence of financial constraints (agency costs). Furthermore, by focusing onunder-investment firms, found that abnormal sensitivity of investment - free cashflow increased by using proxy measures of financial constraints. And by focusingon the over-investment firms, it was found that the abnormal sensitivity ofinvestment - free cash flow increased by using proxy measures of agency costs. |