ABSTRAK Seiring dengan berkembangnya organisasi dan bisnis saat ini, perusahaanmembutuhkan suatu evaluasi performa untuk mengetahui apakah kinerja merekasudah sesuai dengan harapan stakeholder internal maupun eksternal. Pengukuranperforma tersebut juga dapat mengetahui keadaaan perusahaan saat ini sehinggaakan digunakan oleh top management dalam menentukan strategi yang tepat bagiperusahaan. MBNQA merupakan suatu bingkai kerja yang mengarahkanmanajemen agar sesuai dengan keinginan pelanggan dan karyawan melaluimanajemen aktif dari service quality dan performa. MBNQA terdiri dari tujuhaspek yaitu Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, MeasurementAnalysis and Knowledge Management, Workforce Focus, Process Managementdan Result (Outcomes). Pada tesis ini dilakukan studi mengenai pengaruh penerapanMBNQA pada performa organisasi di industri hilir gas bumi di indonesia. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa 6 kriteria MBNQA yang terdiri dari Leadership,Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, Measurement Analysis and KnowledgeManagement, Workforce Focus, Process Management tidak berpengaruhsignifikan terhadap Result (Outcomes). Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan haltersebut adalah Environment, Relationship and Challanges. Seperti diketahui saatini terjadi penurunan harga minyak dan gas bumi di seluruh dunia yangmenyebabkan performa perusahaan menjadi tidak maksimal. Untuk itu perludilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut apabila kondisi global minyak dan gas duniakembali normal untuk mengonfirmasi hasil penelitian ini ABSTRACT Along with the development of organizations and businesses today, companies need aperformance evaluation to determine whether their performance is in accordance withinternal and external stakeholder expectations. The performance measurements could alsofind out the circumstances of companies today that will be used by top management indetermining the right strategy for the company. MBNQA is a framework that directsmanagement to fit the desires of customers and employees through active management ofservice quality and performance. MBNQA consists of seven aspects: Leadership,Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, Measurement Analysis and KnowledgeManagement, Workforce Focus, Process Management and Result (Outcomes). In thisthesis, a study concerning the impact of MBNQA on the performance of the organizationin the downstream gas industry in Indonesia. The results showed that the 6 criterias ofMBNQA consisting of Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, MeasurementAnalysis and Knowledge Management, Workforce Focus, Process ManagementPerformance have no significant effect on Result (Outcomes). One of the factors thatcause this is Environment, Relationship and Challanges. As is known at this time declinein the price of oil and gas around the world that led to the company's performance to benot optimal. For that we need to do further research if global conditions of oil and gas theworld returns to normal to confirm these results |