ABSTRAK Usaha mikro dan kecil mempunyai peran penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran pemerintah Kota Kendari dalampemberdayaan usaha mikro kecil melalui akses informasi, partisipasi, akuntabilitas,kapasitas organisasi lokal, serta peran pemerintah Kota Kendari terhadap kapabilitassumber daya usaha mikro kecil. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara kepada pemerintah daerah danstakeholder yang terlibat.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran pemerintah Kota Kendari dilihat dariakses informasi dilakukan melalui sosialisasi program, partisipasi melalui keikutsertaandalam pelatihan, akuntabilitas pembiayaan melalui kehadiran BLUD, dan kapasitasorganisasi lokal melalui maksimalisasi peran asosiasi UMKM. Sementara peranpemerintah Kota Kendari terhadap kapabilitas sumber daya usaha mikro kecil pada tujuhaspek yaitu aspek material melalui program sertifikasi tanah, aspek manusia melaluipeningkatan wawasan kreativitas usaha, aspek sosial melalui fasilitasi jaringan kemitraan,aspek politik melalui bimbingan cara memperoleh hak merk dagang, aspek voice melaluipembentukan koperasi, aspek organisasi melalui pelatihan pembukuan, dan aspekrepresentasi melalui fungsi pengawasan dan pembinaan ABSTRACT Micro and small enterprises play an important role on the Indonesian economy.This study aims at analyzing the role of Kendari city of government in empowerinng microsmall enterprises through access to information, participation, accountability, capacity oflocal organizations, as well as the role of Kendari city government to resource capabilitiesof micro small enterprises. This study uses qualitative approach. The collection of data isdone using interviews to local governments and stakeholders involvedThe results showed that the role of Kendari city government viewed at informationaccess through socialization program, participation through participation in training,financing through the presence BLUDs accountability, and local organizational capacitythrough maximizing the role of SME associations. While the role of Kendari citygovernment to the resource capabilities of micro small enterprises in seven aspects: thematerial aspect through land titling program, humans aspect through increased insight intobusiness creativity, social aspect skills through facilitation of partnership network, politicsaspect through the guidance of obtaining the right trademark, voice aspect through theformation of cooperatives, the organization aspect through training bookkeeping, andrepresentation aspect through supervision and oversight functions |