ABSTRAK Penelitian ini tentang bagaimana spiritualitas dapat meningkatkan kualitasgovernance dalam pelaksanaan program penanggulangan kemiskinan di KotaKendari. Pendekatan penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah induktif kualitatif danstrategi penelitiannya adalah studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prosesimplementasi PPM berjalan melalui tahapan-tahapan: sosialisasi, pendataan wargakaya dan miskin, penjualan profil, penandatanganan akte, dan tahap persaudaraanmadani. Bentuk pemberdayaan utamanya difokuskan pada aspek pekerjaan,perumahan, pendidikan, dan bimbingan spiritual sehingga PPM dapatberkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup (quality of life) dan kondisikesejahteraan sosial (social welfare) keluarga miskin. Faktor-faktor pemungkin(enabling factors) keberhasilan PPM di samping disebabkan oleh karena agamadan kepercayaan juga disebabkan oleh nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, kesamaanpekerjaan, sosial kapital, dan budaya tolong menolong. Persaudaraan madanisebagai kekhasan pemerintah merupakan cerminan dari tata kelola pemerintahanyang baik (good spirituality governance) sehingga terbuka kemungkinan PPMdireplikasi di daerah/kota lain. ABSTRACT This research is about how spirituality can improve the quality ofgovernance in the implementation of poverty reduction programs in Kendari city.The research approach used is qualitative-inductive and research strategy is casestudy. The results showed that the process of implementation program goesthrough the stages: socialization, data collection rich and poor citizens, the salesprofile, the signing certificate, and the stage of Madani Brotherhood. Forms ofempowerment mainly focused on aspects of employment, housing, education, andspiritual guidance so that the BMP can contribute to enhancing the quality of lifeand the condition of social welfare poor family. Enabling factors the success ofthe BMP beside caused by religion and faith are also caused by the values ofhumanity, similarity jobs, social capital, and culture of mutual help. Madanibrotherhood as typical of the government is a reflection of the ?good spiritualitygovernance? so that brotherhood madani program can be replicated in other townor cities |