This classroom action, research was conducted to see the improvement of students' ability in writing a narrative text. the research was done at SMAN 3 Padangpanjang, the second year scicnce class 1 (XI IA 1) in three cycles. There were 23 students in this class. The data were collected thrugh pre test formative test and observaton. The students were listened to song's and led them to tell the stories of the songs they listened well by taking what the the stories in the songs as a model. Through observaton and formative test, it seemed that the students liked and enjoyed riting a narrarive text. It seemed that the students liked and enjoyed writing a narrative could be seen from the achievement improved from cycle to cycle and from their test result. In the first cycle, there was improvement 57% in average. In the second cycle, there was improvement 65% in averae. In the third cycle, there was improvement 71% in average. In conclusion, the sutdents ability in writing can be improved gadually if they now what and how to write and the use of the approapriate teaching aids are very important. |