SPKMP is a public programme with the objective of uplifting the level of wellness among coastal community particularly the poor households. Since its inception in 2001,the programme has undergone several phases of improvement. However, until nowliving conditions of the coastal poor households remain unchanged. The present studyaimed at assessing performance of SPKMP in terms of implementation of the programas well as the performance of the organizations that involved in the program,particularly looking into the mechanism used in managing the program with specialreference to district of Kuala Terengganu. By using official records and reports fromvarious agencies at the central level and district offices besides observation and in-depthinterviews with households and officials at the agencies involved, the study discoveredsome interesting findings. Firstly, the principles serve as a guideline for theimplementation of the program were not followed by the implementing agencies at thedistrict level. Various malpractices were also detected. Secondly, the evaluation showedthat most of the program outputs cannot help the fishermen to increase their householdincome and savings. Thirdly, the marine resources are depleting, therefore the fishermenare not able to increase their catch. Furthermore, coastal communities have not receivedsufficient assistance in the program so they do not get the necessary moral support. Thisstudy shows that the development agencies have not been able to implement theprogram properly because of weak and inefficient management. Policies, strategies andactivities that are more suitable are needed to improve the program. |