Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dampak desentralisasi fiskal terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi regional di Sumatera, Indonesia. Digunakan tiga model regresi untuk menganalisa data panel lima indikator utama desentralisasi fiskal periode 2007-2013 yaitu: OLS, Fixed Effect Model dan Random Effect Model. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder yang bersumber dari Badan Pusat Dtatistik (BPS) dan Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan Kementrian Keuangan Republik Indonesia. Temuan empiris penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tiga indikator berupa pendapatan daerah, pengeluaran daerah dan jumlah penduduk memiliki dampak negatif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, sementara tingkat pendidikan dan tingkat serapan tenaga kerja berkorelasi positif terhdap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Sumatera, Indonesia. This paper analyzes the impact of fiscal decentralization on regional economic growth in Sumatera, Indonesia. Within the framework of an OLS, Fixed Effect Model and Random Effect Model was employed in this thesis on a set of dynamic panel data models with latent variables over a period 2007- 2013. Two indicators of fiscal decentralization, local revenue, and local expenditure were used to measure impact of fiscal decentralization in Sumatera. Data for this study comes from secondary sources; BPS and DJAPK ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia. The empirical finding of this study suggests that two fiscal decentralization indicators and number of population have a negative significant impact on regional economic growth. However, number of education and employment rate are positively correlated with economic growth. Finally, there is a little consensus on the relationship between fiscal decentralization and economic growth in Sumatera, Indonesia. |