ABSTRAK Global Maritime Axis is a political vision that Joko Widodo has trying to achieve in his presidency period. To achieve this vision, the Government should ensure that all sectors are in line with the expected output. One of those things is on the legal aspect. While there are many regulations providing the legal basis for the Government's activities, there is actually a problem on defining the most vital instrument of astate before this state become the Global Maritime Axis, which is sovereignty. Sea sovereignty that is regulated on Article 5 paragraph 3 of Act Number 32 of 2014 on Marine still depends on an uncertain instrument that has no further explanation. The phrase other related international law? on that article may provide several kinds of interpretation which might brings harm to the real meaning of sovereignty itself. This article will examine the existing laws and legal concept regarding the sovereignty of the sea of Indonesia. As the conclusion, this writing suggests that, as one of the most vital instrument, sovereignty shall not be dependent on an uncertain law but it shall be sure and precise to guarantee the protection of the need of the people of Indonesia |