Female workers have not been clearly defined in the legislation that supports breastfeeding. Moreover, a significantnumber of them experience occupational stress and fatique, which may disturb productivity. The research aimed toreveal the stress and fatigue level of breastfeeding female workers from garment companies in Sobosukawonosratenarea of Central Java. Using cross sectional approach, this analytical survey involved 210 female workers of six garmentcompanies across six districts. Furthermore, cluster snowball sampling technique was used to sample the workers, andchi-square test was used to analyze the data. Research results indicated a significant correlation between breastfeedingand occupational stress (X2= 15.307, p< 0.05) with an effect of 26.1% (C= 26.1; OR= 3.124); and another significantcorrelation between breastfeeding and occupational fatigue (X2= 15.307, p< 0.05) with a 55.5% effect (C= 55.5; OR=30.82). On the whole, breastfeeding female workers have special needs and require attention from the companies inorder to continue supporting good breastfeeding for the babies, who will become the nation’s future generation.Menyusui, Stres dan Kelelahan Kerja pada Pekerja Wanita di Perusahaan Garmen. Peraturan perundangan yangmendukung “menyusui“ belum jelas memaknai para pekerja wanita. Tidak sedikit pekerja wanita mengalami stres kerjadan kelelahan kerja yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap tingkatstres dan kelelahan kerja pekerja wanita menyusui di perusahaan garmen Sobosukawonosraten Jawa Tengah. Jenispenelitian survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Melibatkan 210 pekerja wanita di perusahaan garmenyang tersebar di 6 (enam) Kabupaten. Teknik sampling cluster snowball sampling. Analisis data menggunakan ChiSquare. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan signifikan antara pekerja menyusui dengan stres kerja (X2=15,307; p< 0,05), besar pengaruh 26,1% (C= 26,1; OR= 3,124). Ada hubungan signifikan antara pekerja menyusuidengan kelelahan kerja (X2= 15,307; p< 0,05), besar pengaruh 55,5% (C= 55,5; OR= 30,82). Pekerja wanita dalam masamenyusui memiliki kebutuhan khusus, perlu mendapat perhatian dari perusahaan selama bekerja agar dapat terusmendukung program ASI yang baik bagi anak sebagai generasi penerus bangsa. |