Kepemimpinan efektif merupakan salah satu faktor yang berperan dalam keberhasilan penerapan budaya keselamatanpasien. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan kepemimpinan efektif head nurse dengan penerapan budayakeselamatan pasien. Desain yang digunakan analisis korelasi secara cross sectional pada 206 perawat pelaksana.Analisis data dengan Pearson, Spearman, t independent, dan regresi linear. Hasil analisis menunjukkan hubunganlemah dan positif antara kepemimpinan efektif Head Nurse dengan penerapan budaya keselamatan pasien. Penelitianmerekomendasikan peningkatan pengetahuan head nurse pada fungsi pengorganisasian dengan pembentukan strukturorganisasi, uraian tugas, pelatihan budaya keselamatan pasien, pendidikan keperawatan berlanjut, diskusi keselamatanpasien, sistem penghargaan atas penerapan budaya keselamatan pasien.Effective Leadership of Head Nurse Increase the Implementation ofd Patient Safety Culture by NursePractitioners of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital, Jakarta. Leadership effectiveness is one factor thatcontributes to successfully patient safety culture applied. This study aimed to identify the correlation of leadershipeffectiveness of head nurse to apply the patient safety culture in the wards. Research design used correlation analyticwith cross sectional approach to 206 clinical nurses as samples. Data analysis used Pearson, Spearman, t independentand linier regression. This study shown there was a weak positive correlation between head nurse leadershipeffectiveness and the application of patient safety culture by clinical nurses. This study’s recommendation were 1)improvement of the head nurses’ knowledge related to organizational function, 2) appropriate job description, 3) patientsafety culture training, 4) continuing nursing education program, and 5) relevant reward system based on patient safetyachievement. |